... and another.

Oct 05, 2012 14:07

so, the usual.

Title: Bodyguard Redux
Chapter: 1.3 First Impressions
Pairings: Heero/Duo (centric), Relena/Heero (one-sided), and others
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I also don't own the movie "The Bodyguard" or any of its songs.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly)
Warning: AU, shounen-ai, kissing, mild violence, a little swearing
Word count: 1183
Summary: Heero goes to the Peacecraft mansion.

Heero drove up to the Peacecraft mansion filled with apprehension. He didn’t really want to babysit a rich boy for what seemed like might be a long stretch. With a few exceptions like Zechs aside, most of them just seemed like whiny brats who didn’t know squat about the world. He liked his jobs quick and easy, neutralizing the immediate threats and leaving before any attachments could be made. He had learned the hard way that attachments could only lead to costly mistakes.

There was also the fact that he needed to guard this Duo Maxwell without telling him why he was there. Heero wasn’t good at lying, he preferred the truth delivered honestly. Still, this was a favor for Zechs. He would see it through.

He pulled his car through the open gates and onto the gravel driveway to the side of the main entrance. There was an attractive man there washing the cars. He was tall and lean wearing dark work pants and a white tank that showed off his toned arms. His cinnamon brown hair cropped short in the back and left to hang long in the front as a bang covering one of his eyes. The other vivid emerald green eye looked up inquisitively at the newcomer. “Can I help you?”

Before Heero could answer, another car came squealing up the drive. The driver, a young female with short cropped dark hair that looked much like Heero’s own messy haircut, hopped out and ran to the house. Heero watched her open the door easily and enter, his eyes widening in horror.

“Is that door never locked?”

The man chuckled. “Not when Miss Peacecraft is entertaining. She likes for her guests to feel welcome.”

“And how often does she entertain?”

His amused smile made Heero’s stomach drop. It was a miracle Zechs’s security team had managed to keep Duo safe until now. With a sinking heart, he held his hand out to the man standing before him. “Heero Yuy, the new security detail.”

Interest sparked in the green eye before he took Heero’s hand. His grip was a little damp, but firm, with calloused fingers gained from hard work. “Trowa Barton. I’m the driver and all-around handyman.” He glanced at the door and back to Heero. “I see why you were so upset about the door.”

“Upset might be a bit of an understatement,” Heero grunted, starting to feel a bit peeved at Zechs for not telling him more about the situation.

Trowa laughed, and Heero felt a reluctant smile touch his lips. The man had a nice laugh and, Heero quickly surveyed, a nice body. Not that Heero was interested, he never mixed business with pleasure, but he could appreciate.

“Do you know where I might find Milliardo Peacecraft?”

“Zechs, hm?” Trowa tossed the sponge into the soapy bucket where it landed with a splat. “He should be in his office. First floor, turn left after you go in and it’s the third door on your right.”

Heero gave his thanks and walked away as Trowa picked up the hose. So it was “Zechs” and “Miss Peacecraft,” at least for this man. It was interesting to know.

He made his way into the house, surveying the surroundings as he walked. The clink of porcelain and the feminine laughter made him pause to look. There sat two young blonde women on a settee near a window drinking tea. The ice-blonde with the dark forked eyebrows and pale lavender eyes in a dark blue dress noticed him first, eyebrows becoming even more pronounced as she appraised him. The other woman whose hair was a rich honey blonde, noticing the other’s shift in attention looked over as well, her cornflower blue eyes widening as she smoothed down her stylish pink dress and rose.

Heero didn’t like the predatory gleam in her eye, but he stood his ground, watching warily as the two women approached. He gave a short bow. “Good morning, ladies.”

“Hello there, handsome,” the honey blonde purred. “I do hope you were looking for me.”

Startled at the intensity in her eyes, he nearly took a step back. His eyes flickered over to the other woman, but the amusement in her eyes was no comfort. “No, ma’am. I’m here to see Zechs.”

He saw her flinch at the name and wondered about it, but she recovered quickly. “Oh, don’t call me ma’am. You may call me Relena.” She fluttered her eyes at him and put one hand delicately on his arm. “And you are?”

“Yuy! Are you coming in?”

He glanced over to see Wufei by Zechs’s office, the door open. Heero was never more relieved to see the Chinese man then at that moment. He took a step back, neatly dislodging the woman’s hand. “It was nice to meet you Miss Relena, and uh, Miss...” He hesitated, looking at the other woman.

“Dorothy.” She was grinning as if she understood his torment and enjoyed watching it.

“Miss Dorothy. I will be on my way then.”

He hastily took his leave, moving swiftly until he was inside the office with the door shut. The giggling left in his wake made him extremely nervous. Zechs, at the table looking over documents, glanced up and looked in askance at Heero’s obvious discomfiture.

“It seems Miss Peacecraft is enamored of Yuy,” Chang stated bluntly.

“Really...” Zechs drew the word out as he leaned back, blue eyes twinkling with laughter he didn’t try to disguise.

Heero aimed his best death glare at his friend, but as usual, Zechs simply laughed it off and stood, closing the file and securing it in a locked file cabinet. He pulled a latch on the wall to reveal a spiral staircase hidden behind one of the bookshelves.

“Since we’re trying to avoid my darling sister, I may as well show you one of the hidden passages. You may need to know them if you want to get out quickly.”

Heero nodded and they proceeded up the stairs. They walked through another hallway with Wufei pointing out a few more usable exits before they came to another door. Loud rock music blared from behind it and the nearby walls seemed to vibrate with the beat. Zechs knocked loudly and called out, “Duo. I want you to meet someone.”

The music shut off and the door opened to reveal the most beautiful person Heero had ever seen. Wide amethyst eyes set in an elfin heart-shaped face. Paint was smeared across the perky nose and onto one cheek. He was barefoot, dressed in a paint-splattered T-shirt and loose jeans. His arms were nicely toned and his fingers looked strong and capable. The jeans disguised the musculature of his legs, but they were long. And oh, his hair. His hair was the color of chestnut and was gold-shot from the sun. Long bangs hung in front and the rest of it was caught in a braid that ran down...

Heero jerked himself back before he could lean forward to see just how long Duo’s braid was and where it ended. He swallowed harshly and stuck out his hand. “Heero Yuy.”

Amethyst eyes regarded him curiously before he slipped his hand into Heero’s. Heero tried very hard not to think about how well it seemed to fit there. “Duo Maxwell.”

back to Part One: "I Have Nothing". back to the previous chapter. on to the next chapter.

bodyguard redux, gundam wing, fanfiction, 1x2x1

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