Fic: Couch Potatoes

May 07, 2016 19:30

Title: Couch Potatoes [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora
Rating: PG
Summary: Florida suits her...
Warning: *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #2 at writerverse. Prompt: Matt & Miss Kitty
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Disney characters belong to Disney, their authors, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Wyatt was on his third episode of Gunsmoke when he noticed movement on his left and glanced away from the TV. Adora was leaning over the back of the couch, giving him a look. "There you are."

"Here I am," he nodded, glancing back as the show cut to a commercial. "Always room for one more," he motioned, and Adora pushed up. She padded around the arm of the couch and crawled over Wyatt, settling herself into the empty space between him and the chairback.

Pressing a kiss to his jaw, Adora situated until she was comfortable and glanced at the commercial playing on the screen. "What's the Marshall up to, today?" she asked. Wyatt gave her a quick rundown of what had happened so far, and the commercial break ended.

"That's the guy, there," he explained, pointing to the man on screen.

Adora eyed the man and made a face. "Kitty can take him," she announced.

"She probably will," Wyatt remarked, though based on the last few episodes, he knew Matt would get to the man first. Adora laughed at something the man said, which caused Wyatt to smile. The feeling of her laughing against his chest was welcome - even if it tickled a little - because she hadn't had a lot of cause to laugh, the last few years.

"Did I miss the awkward cow eyes yet?" she asked a moment later, not realizing Wyatt was watching her and not the screen.


"You know," Adora said, shifting so she was now leaning on his chest, facing him. "The cow eyes. Every time Matt and Kitty are together, they get the cow eyes." She made a face, matching the expression she often saw when the two looked at each other.

"No, not yet," Wyatt replied, fighting a laugh. "He's kind of been busy trying to hunt down the guy trying to kill her."

Adora made a face and pointed to the screen. "He's right there. How hard is Matt looking?" Raising her eyebrow, Adora nodded. "That's right, not at all. He's too busy making cow eyes at Kitty, upstairs."

Wyatt made a face back at her. "Are you implying," he gasped dramatically, "that Matt and Kitty are…" His voice lowered. "Having an affair?" He gave her a horrified look and smirked as she poked his side.

"You know just as well as I do that those two are goin' at it like-"

"Cains?" Wyatt offered, jumping as her she pinched him lower down. "Hey, now!" he warned. "There's a chance the kids could wander through here." Adora made a face and swung her leg over him, so that she was now sitting on top of him.

"Because they've never seen their parents getting frisky?" she asked, leaning forward to kiss his nose.

"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" Wyatt asked, narrowing his eyes. "Not that I'm complaining, but..." The sound of gunshots caught their attention and both looked to the television. "What happened?" Adora crawled off the couch and reached for the remote, trying to remember the correct button to push. "No, that one," Wyatt instructed. "Blue on the left." Adora looked up at the screen and pressed the button and they watched the video roll backwards at a faster speed. When she saw a scene she remembered, Adora pressed the button again and the show jumped back to where they had both stopped paying attention.

"You're getting pretty good with Other Side tech, 'dor," Wyatt commented as she put the remote back down. "Next, you're gonna be drivin' that truck."

She turned and gave him a smile. "What makes you think I'm not already?"

-writerverse, goldfish

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