Fic: Relocation

May 09, 2016 23:26

Title: Relocation [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora (mention of Kenna, Dree, DG, and the grandkids)
Rating: G
Summary: It's time for them to move forward, even if it is only next door.
Warning: shortly after Couch Potatoes *Written for Hope Springs Eternal at gameofcards. Prompt: beginnings, decisions, and "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ― Seneca
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Disney characters belong to Disney, their authors, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Wyatt and Adora had been napping together on the couch for a while after the show ended. The television had been turned off and they were enjoying the silence of the large, empty house. They loved being close to their children and grandchildren, but sometimes it was nice to just be the two of them, like it was when they first got married.

That had been a long time ago, though, and so many things had happened since that day, when their only concern was the chance of rain clouds spoiling their moment. Now, there was the bustle of the royal palace; another grandbaby on the way; and everything always seemed to be happening all at once, all the time.

Adora let out a sigh, as she wasn't napping as much as thinking in silence. "What?" Wyatt asked, giving her hand a light squeeze. He never really was much of deep sleeper, and they spent more time listening for a change in each other's breathing, at night, than sleeping.

"Just thinking," she replied quietly, shifting slightly to look at him.

"Thinking about anything in particular?" he asked, reaching for her hair and smiling as he twirled it around a finger.

"I was just thinking that, maybe.. living here might be nice."

Wyatt's brow tightened. "Here like Florida? Or here like here?" he asked, pointing to the couch.

"Here like here," she smiled, pulling herself up just enough so that her face was closer to his. "In this house." The house actually belonged to her sister, but the whole family had free reign of the place at all times. Adora pressed her cheek against his shoulder and sighed again. Tracing a light pattern on his chest, Adora continued: "No one looks at us funny, here. No one cares who we are or what we did." She closed her eyes and ducked her head. "No one cares if we have… issues."

Wyatt closed his eyes for a moment and frowned slightly. Where they lived, everyone knew everything about them, and not just because their son had married the now-queen. They were legends in their own rights, back home, but depending on which side of history you stood decided whether they were seen as heroes or villains.

"What about the kids?" Wyatt asked. Their third grandchild was due within the month.

"It's not like we'd never see them, Wyatt," she chided. "Everyone comes through here at least once a day." This was true - it was inevitable that at least one member of their rather large, mixed family was wandering through the house at any given moment. One of the perks of having a magical door, keeping them all connected. "It's much easier for you to get around, here," she added. This was on purpose, as the house had been built with his wheelchair in mind. Back home, he had to deal with a lot of stairs and little accessibility within the city for a wheelchair. "And if Deeg needs help with the kids, we can be there. But... maybe it would be nice to just..." She sighed again.

"Have our own space?" Wyatt finished. Adora had a point about it being easier for him, here in Florida. But, he also noticed that when she was in Florida, Adora was happier. They had both been through so much, and it seemed like the more they each tried to help the other, the more damage it did. Adora glanced at him and nodded. They needed to get away from everything; ever since they'd found each other again, neither had really had any time alone. There was always some adventure or crisis or diaper to change. There wasn't time to let old wounds heal.

Besides, he really liked seeing her in Other Side clothes.

"Not sure Ken would like to move again," Wyatt breathed. Their daughter had finally managed to find her place in the world.

"She can stay," Adora replied. "She has a life, now. Pretty soon, she'll be married and starting a family of her own."

"Hey now!" Wyatt replied quickly, his ears turning pink. "She's not even old enough to drive in Florida. Don't be marrying her off." Adora fought a smile, as even mentioning the idea that their teenager might even know a boy sent his blood pressure racing.

"She'll be fine, Wyatt. She has her own room and a job and she's happy." Adora took a breath and gave him a smile. "Maybe it's our turn."

Wyatt smiled and ran a finger along her cheek. "You think the owner would sell? It's not like we have any money," he pointed out, only half-joking.

"Please," Adora groaned, "all you have to do is kiss her. You could have her crown." Wyatt gasped and Adora raised her head to give him a look. "I may not be her, but she's still me. You," she said sharply, giving his chest a light poke, "are a weakness."

That got a smirk.

-gameofcards, goldfish

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