Fic: Disney Birthday

Oct 27, 2014 21:11

Title: Disney Birthday [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Max and El
Rating: G
Summary: Max and El go to the Halloween party for his birthday
Warning: *Written for Masquerade at writerverse. El's "costume"; Max is wearing the coordinating Woody one.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Max had been nine for a whole day, and as things were going, it was shaping up to be the best day yet. Okay, so he'd had some pretty good days, but it had been a very long time since he'd had a day alone with his mother.

This birthday was being spent at the Halloween party at Walt Disney World, and they were dressed up as Woody and Buzz, from Toy Story. Max, naturally, was Woody, complete with his cowboy boots and his own cowboy hat, instead of the plastic ones they'd been seeing on some of the other children dressed up.

El was dressed as a Space Ranger, in a manner of speaking, as she was wearing a Buzz Lightyear hoodie, which Max had picked out for her birthday present. His reasoning was that it would easier to move around in the sweatshirt than in full Space Ranger gear.

And he didn't actually know where to get an actual Space Ranger suit.

"You ready for dinner yet, Sweetpea?" El asked, pulling Max to one side of the bridge to Tomorrowland, as a crowd of princesses came their way. She could hear Max counting under his breath, and she smiled when he looked up at her and then reached back to catch his cowboy hat.

"There is nine-teen," Max told her, smiling as she pulled his hat away and knelt down.

"That was nineteen," she repeated, correcting Max's grammar as she pushed his hair out of his eyes and put the hat back on his head. They were keeping track of the number of Elsa's they saw at the party, and hadn't even made it to the castle.

"Waaaas," Max repeated with a nod.

El nodded and pulled him close for a kiss. "Food?" Max made a face and nodded. They still had a while before the parade, and the sun hadn't quite gone down. But, if they ate now, they wouldn't have to fight the crowds later. "Fish?" Max made another face and looked at their surroundings. They were on the wrong side of the park to get fish, and to get to it, they'd have to cut through the biggest part of the crowds. But, across the bridge, he could see Cosmic Ray's. They would have to go around, to get there, but he really liked Sonny Eclipse.

"Sonny?" El suggested, giving her son's stomach a light poke. She knew her boy.

"Yeah," Max grinned. El nodded and pushed herself up to standing, then held her hand out. Max's hand fit into hers and they looked both ways before moving to the other side of the bridge, and following the crowd back toward the hub.

"Tew-enty!" Max called a moment later, spotting another Elsa.

-writerverse, goldfish

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