Fic: Back to School

Aug 17, 2014 20:40

Title: Back to School [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Kenna and Adora
Rating: G
Summary: It's a new annual... things can only be better than the last one, right?
Warning: a few years before Spa Day, on the Zone-side *Written for Back to School at writerverse.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Kenna stared up at the front of her school building and took a deep breath. She had been so very glad when school let out for the Zone's summer, because her first annual was horrific.

Kenna had grown up in a Resistance camp - a few of them, in fact - and though there were other children, on and off, she had always been surrounded by adults. She listened to them - even when she probably shouldn't have been - and learned from them.

That had made things harder, though, once the war was over and the family moved to the city. Kenna started late, as her family had moved to the city well into the school term. She didn't know how to behave like the kids in the city; she wasn't raised to be a ‘proper young lady'. Luckily, there were some other ‘Camp kids' in her school, as other families had started moving back to the city.

She made friends with those kids rather quickly, simply because they were all outcasts.

The royal family had taken hers in, even before they left the camp, as thanks for everything her father had done for the younger princess. And when her brother and the princess fell in love and got married, Kenna was suddenly half-royalty.

The girls in her class seemed to get meaner, after that.

The summer had been welcome, because she didn't have to see any of them unless it was passing them on the street, while shopping with her mother. And, even then, she didn't have to look at them, if she didn't want to.

"It'll be okay, Ken," she heard, and glanced up to give her mother a pensive smile. Adora shifted her weight and put an arm around her daughter, pulling her close in a half-hug.

Maybe her mother was right; maybe, this annual, things wouldn't be so bad.

-writerverse, goldfish

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