Original: Old Flame (the team) G

Aug 31, 2013 16:28

Title: Old Flame
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: the whole team (mention of Ken)
Rating: G
Summary: Tony's been on the job less than an hour and it's already reached awkward.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: old flame Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is bizarra's. Mwahaha!! Inspiration comes from a minivan at Downtown Disney, and bizarra's entry for the Make Your Own Fandom challenge at womenverse, with thanks.

"And this," Pete said as he pushed open the door to the office, "is us." Behind him, a broad-shouldered blonde man glanced into the tiny, yet comfortable office and he nodded.

"Nice," Tony acknowledged.

"Eh," Pete shrugged. "Give it a week before you get sick of hearing the parade." He moved over to one of the desks and moved a pile of papers from one side to the other, then motioned to an empty chair. "Have a seat." With a nod to one of the desks behind them, Pete explained: "We tend to double up on the desks."

Tony nodded as he glanced around. Maybe it was the location, he thought, but the office was already much warmer and welcoming than any of the squad rooms he'd been in since joining the police force. "How many double?" he asked, pointing between the three desks and one table that currently had a smaller chair pushed under it.

"You make six," Pete replied, barely glancing up from the form he was filling out. "And then my desk," he said, in a tone that implied his desk was not shared. "It might be a little awkward, at first, but it'll work out."

Sound from the hallway caught Tony's attention, as well as Pete's - though the older man barely looked up - and the door opened a minute later. Sherri stopped short, seeing the new face, and proceeded to jump slightly as Craig and Liz bumped into her.

"Tony Jarvis," Pete started before anyone could speak, "this is Sherri Grimes, Craig Lawson, and Liz Owens." Glancing up, Pete raised an eyebrow and continued; "Detectives... Tony Jarvis." He nodded toward Tony, then cocked his head slightly. "Or do you prefer Anthony?"

"Tony's fine," he replied with a nod, then stood and proceeded to shake hands with each of them.

"OCPD?" Craig asked as he nodded and welcomed the man.

"Sort of," Tony replied. "Transferred in from another county, for this job." Aside from Sherri, all the officers on the team had transferred to Orlando at some point in their careers.

"Technicalities," Liz assumed as she moved over to one of the desks and pulled a drawer open. "NYPD, originally," she added, pointing to herself.

"Boston," Craig offered as he leaned against the edge of the desk Liz had moved to.

"Local," Sherri added, raising a hand as she stepped around the men and leaned to look out the window.

"Get it squared away?" Pete asked, back to looking at his paperwork.

"Yeah," Sherri said, pulling back once she was satisfied with the view. "Gave the dad his walking papers and had to explain to his wife that she and the kids are more than welcome to finish out their vacation." Giving Tony a smirk, she added: "Gonna be a bitch for him to get to the airport, of course, since he's banned from the county for a year."

"Banned from the county?" Tony asked, giving a look between the others, as if someone was going to start laughing.

"We have some special rules here in Orange County, Detective Jarvis," Liz replied as she leaned back in the chair and put her feet up on the desk.

"Don't worry," Craig said, shaking his head, "we'll get you caught up in no time."

"Where's Fisher?" Pete asked a moment later.

"It's Thursday, Cap," Liz answered, pointing toward the wall behind him. Pete turned slightly and then nodded. Thursday was taco day for the other female member of his team.

"We'll have to get you set up with a time to meet Doc Robbins," Pete said to Tony, not bothering to address the man. Craig pointed to Tony to let him know that the comment was directed at him, then leaned back to pick up a folder on the desk he was sharing with Liz.

"Doc Robbins?" Tony asked as the door to the office opened once again. Tony glanced up and froze when he saw the blonde standing in the doorway, staring back at him with the same expression. Emily Fisher's hand was still on the doorknob, holding so tight she would have broken it had the knob been made of any other material.

"Emily Fisher," Pete started, not noticing that the room had gone eerily silent. "Tony Jarvis. He's your new desk part-" Pete stopped as he looked up and noticed the pale woman had almost gone a shade paler. "Em?"

Emily forced her gaze away from Tony and she looked at Pete. "Yeah? Desk," she nodded and then shifted her weight. Pete's brow tightened as he looked at her, knowing he'd clearly missed something.

"When did you become a cop?" Tony asked, still watching Emily.

Emily tried not to look at him, and shook her head. "I'm not. I'm statused to Security." The others looked at each other, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Ken Martin, who you haven't met yet, and Fisher, are CMs. They're on loan to OCPD the same way we're on loan to Disney," Pete explained. Emily was still trying to avoid eye contact with Tony, who was still watching her every move.

"Cap, I have to go take care of that thing from this morning," Emily said quickly, hoping that he wouldn't realize that she didn't actually have anything. Pete gave her a look and nodded, though he couldn't remember what she was currently working on. Emily opened her mouth for a moment, then turned without a word and pulled the door shut behind her.

After a moment of silence, Craig pointed toward the door. "I take it you two have met." Tony let out a slow breath and nodded. Tony's eyes narrowed as he watched the door, trying to figure out just how he'd managed to get himself into this situation.

"Ex-girlfriend?" Sherri asked, completely curious about how the two knew each other, as well as how she - as Emily's best friend - didn't know anything about the man standing in front of her.

"No," Tony replied and then turned to face the redhead. "Ex-wife."

-love_bingo, magic squad

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