Original: Walking on the Beach (Dree and Max) G

Apr 25, 2013 00:44

Title: Walking on the Beach [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree and Max (mention of El and Trey)
Rating: G
Summary: Max is getting his sea legs and exploring the beach for the first time.
Warning: a little over a year before Unconditionally *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: walking on the beach Original titles are wholly unoriginal. Inspired by THIS image.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

It was getting dark outside, now that the second sun had set, but Max was still working off the energy in his system. Dree smiled as she watched him wobble toward her, smiling brightly and shrieking as he closed the distance between them.

Of course, running on sand wasn't the best idea, and it didn't take long for Max to take a tumble. Dree jumped and put her hands out, but waited to see how Max was going to react. Thankfully, the sand was soft, but he was still getting used to balancing himself.

Max looked at the sand for a minute, his little hands grasping at the dirt, and his face scrunched up. Pushing himself up, Max cried as he started wobbling toward his mother again, and he flumped against her.

"Oh, Monkey," Dree said in a soothing tone as she leaned over to hold the toddler against her. Max cried again for a moment, then started to calm down as he watched the waves coming in. Dree rubbed his back as Max's breathing slowed and he sniffed.

"You okay? Did you get hurt?" she asked. Max shook his head as he hugged her legs. She turned to see what had his attention and smiled. "What do you see?" Max was focused on the waves rolling up, though he wasn't yet old enough to know the difference between high tide and low tide.

"Should we get closer?" Dree asked, reaching to take his hand. "C'mon, Monkey. Let's go see." Max turned as she did and walked with his mother to a spot just before the foam line. He watched the water come up with his whole head and upper body, rocking slightly as the wave started to retreat. The next wave came up, just a bit closer, and Max instinctively stepped back.

When the water washed away again, he shrieked happily and waited for the next wave. During the next few cycles, Max got a little braver and took a step forward as the waves pulled back. When the next wave came in, he shrieked again and jumped back.


From the house, El and Trey watched as the setting sun outlined their wife and son, and they held each other as they relaxed on the porch swing. "She seems happy," Trey said as he fiddled with El's hair.

"Mmm," El hummed as she kept an eye on them. "But for how long?" she asked. Trey sighed, but didn't respond. The mood swings were getting worse, which was part of the reason the family had taken a short vacation. Dree just needed a few days to reset, to let the building tension in her go before she did something rash.

There were a lot of people depending on her to keep it together, which was probably why it was so hard for her to do just that. Regardless of her issues, having Max in their life had been a blessing for Dree's recovery, but old habits were definitely hard to break. And, while she'd been doing everything she could to not go back to her old ways, Dree was finding that it was a day-to-day process, minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour.

For now, though, she was content to be spending those minutes right where she was, watching her son discover the ocean.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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