Original: Partner (Massey and Chapel) G

Apr 25, 2013 00:37

Title: Partner [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Massey and Chapel (mention of El and Adora)
Rating: G
Summary: Massey needs help from a woman he barely knows.
Warning: some time after I Wanna Stay Lost Forever *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: partner Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Chapel looked up at the knock. Her brow furrowed slightly, but she waved the large man into her office. "Lieutenant.. Masterson," she said slowly, nodding as he did. "What can I do for you?" She knew he hadn't made an appointment, and other than a few random meetings, Chapel barely knew the man.

"You can just call me Massey," he said. "Most everyone does." She nodded to him and motioned to the open seat on the other side of her desk.

"All right, Massey. What can I do for you?" Chapel knew the young man by way of her ex-girlfriend, and only then because El's current flame was somehow connected to him.

Massey sat down and, though he looked uncomfortable, it was more from the smaller chair than the topic he'd come to discuss. "I need your help, doc," he informed her. "Regarding an emergency contact." Chapel nodded to him and started to push her chair backward, so that she could reach for her datapad.

"You need to update information?" she assumed. Though, any of the nurses on duty could have changed the information for him.

"Yes," Massey nodded. "But not for me. " Chapel looked up in confusion. Massey shifted in the chair and motioned to the datapad. "I'm listed as someone's contact, and I need to change that." Chapel looked at him again, not sure she was following.

"Okay, then... let's start over." She nodded and cleared the screen on her datapad, having already started a search for his records as Massey had spoken. "Why do you need to change the information?"

"I am being recalled for duty," he nodded.

Chapel nodded back and smiled. "And you won't be available, in case of an emergency." Massey nodded. "Usually, the patient is the one who requests the change, but, in this case- Patient?"

"Elizabeth Springer," he replied, managing to hold the blank look as her head shot upright.

"El'Ari's... Elizabeth Springer?" Chapel asked slowly. Massey simply nodded. She wasn't actually sure why this news was a surprise, as El had mentioned that Lieutenant Masterson spent a lot of time with the mysterious blonde from the library.

Massey shifted again, this time for the change the topic was about to take. "Doc, she doesn't know I'm here. I haven't told her yet." Chapel raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "I don't want her to even know I'm here."

"If she put you as her contact, Lieutenant, I can't change it to El without her knowledge or permission."

"It's not El," Massey said, shaking his head.

"Then who is it you want to list?" Chapel asked, shaking her head again.


Chapel actually sat back as she looked at him and shook her head. "Me? I barely know her."

"But you do know El," Massey explained, raising his hands as he spoke. "Liz is the closest thing I have to a mother, Doc."

Chapel nodded. "El mentioned that you've known her for a while."

Massey smiled and nodded. "First time we met, she took me to the museum." Massey hitched a thumb over his shoulder. "You know that room in the back, where they keep that big iron box, shaped like a person?" Chapel nodded. "She was taking me through that whole room, pointing to things and giving me a history lesson." Massey couldn't help but smirk. "Then she steps behind the line, opens the door on that thing and tells me to get in it." He smiled. "I thought she was crazy."

Chapel was amazed as he spoke, more from the information that she had put the man into a historical torture device than anything. "She put you in it?" Massey nodded.

"She runs that museum," Massey nodded. "She can touch anything she wants. Anyway, so she tells me to get into the suit and she closed the door." Massey's eyes narrowed. "You ever been in that thing?" Chapel shook her head. "Two seconds or two minutes, you can't tell what's happening. It completely throws off your center."

Chapel was really starting to wonder what El had gotten herself into; not to mention what kind of person the University had working for them.

"When she opened the door, I was so glad to see real light that I nearly fell over. Once I had my balance back, she moved me over to continue the lesson. Showed me pictures from the first war, and told me all about how we got from there to here. Well, then," he nodded, as it had been about ten annuals since this had happened.

"She even showed me some things that aren't on display," he continued, smiling at the memory which he now was grateful for. "There's actually a log in the back, that burns blue smoke. She said they used that a lot, to send codes the Longcoats were coming or going." He smiled again and shifted in the chair. "Look, Doc... El and I may not see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I know she trusts you. And there are some things that I really can't talk about, right now. But, I need to know that someone I can trust will have Liz's back."

"I can't be her contact, Lieutenant. Not without her knowledge and approval." Chapel's brow tightened as she started to object.

"If something were to happen, I'm out in the middle of space. Maybe they'd contact me right away, and maybe they wouldn't. But I can't risk someone waiting three hours, and then being three days' travel out. I need to know that there is someone here. You're a doctor. They'd call you, right away. And you have the pull that means I'd get a message a lot faster than regular channels." Massey gave Chapel a pleading glance.

"I'm just asking that they call you, first. Then you call me. That's all. I'll still take full responsibility for everything, as I promised when I agreed to be the contact.." He couldn't tell her more; more about why he was worried, or why he couldn't say more. "Please, Doc. I need your help, here."

He knew Adora's secret, and if he was gone, there would be no one to keep her safe if something should go horribly wrong. Not that he was expecting anything, of course, but risking it was something Massey wasn't ready for. And, until Adora was willing to tell El'Ari - or even Chapel - about her little quirk, Massey had to keep it to himself.

Adora trusted him with her secret, and Massey wasn't going to betray her.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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