Original: Marriage (Dree, Max, and El) G

Apr 25, 2013 00:30

Title: Marriage [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree, Max, and El
Rating: G
Summary: The family come across an area set up for a wedding, and the girls tell Max about their own.
Warning: shortly after Finding Love *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: marriage Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

"And there was a giant screen!" Max announced as the family walked down the lit path. The girls smiled as he bounced along between his mothers, regaling them with his adventures in Neverland.

"There was?" El asked, wide-eyed.

"Yup!" Max nodded. "And we got to watch Mister Woody and Mister Buzz! Stop please!" Max pulled his hand from El's and he leaned down to fix his shoelace and then popped up again.

"Was it bigger than our screen?" Dree asked. Max nodded and reached for her hand, so he was now walking between his mothers.

"It is the same big like the screen on the bridge!" he announced. Dree and El looked at each other and made a face.

"That is very big," El nodded. "Let's go this way," she said a moment later, pointing toward the path that led around the lagoon. Max looked back from where they'd come, then in the direction El suggested. With a nod, he pulled both of them along.

"Did you have a good time, Monkey?" Dree asked as they walked. The path was lit, thankfully, because once the single sun had gone down, it had become very dark.

"It was lots of fun," Max nodded. "But, I think I missed you a whole lot."

Dree smiled and tugged for Max to stop, then knelt next to him. "I missed you a whole lot, too. But," she added with a smile, "I'm very glad you had fun." Max made a face and scrunched his nose before leaning forward to nudge her nose with his.

"MWAH!" he said, lifting his chin just enough to kiss her.

"Hey! What about me," El huffed, leaning down to haul Max up in a bear hug. Max shrieked and laughed as she lifted him off the ground.

"I missed you, too! I did! I did!" he hollered as she hugged him.

"I don't believe you!" El said, smiling as she tickled him.

"Stop, Mel, Stop! I will throw up!" Dree moved in front of both of them and pressed Max between them.

"Okay, you two," she said, giving them a hug. "Enough funny business. We've got ice cream to walk off." Max twisted to look at El, who made a face and then set him back on the ground. Behind them, the sound of a boat horn could be heard, but Max couldn't see where the boat was when he looked back. Seeing the monorail coming around from the left, El pointed to it and Max spun the other way.

The family continued walking along the water, soon coming to a fork in the path. There was an ornate building off to the right, so they decided to walk down and take a look. The sign out front announced they'd arrived at the Wedding Pavilion.

All three of them leaned against the windows and peeked in. The place was clearly set up for a wedding, and from the amount of decorations, there was no expense spared. "You could have had that," Dree said, throwing a smirk to El.

"Or not," El retorted with a slight snort. Dree raised an eyebrow and El made a face as she looked back at the flowers and bows. "Are you going to stand there and tell me you would have wanted to get married with all that?" she asked, pointing to the heart-ended pews covered in pink ribbons. "Oh, what am I saying? It's pink. Of course you'd want it."

"I think it is pretty," Max said, still looking through the windows.

"So do I," Dree said, glancing down to give him a smile. Sticking her tongue out at El, Dree turned back and looked at the room.

"Did you have that for when you gotted married?" Max asked, looking up at the girls.

El shook her head as Dree moved to sit on the bench near the door. She smiled as Max climbed up to sit on her lap and El sat down next to them. "We got married at the shuttle landing," Dree told him. "On Celcia."

El nodded as she pushed Max's hair out of his eyes. "Yup. Massey and I were shipping out, and Mommy showed up at the very last minute," she nodded. "With the Queen, even." Max looked at Dree, who nodded. "And the Queen asked our commanding officer to let Massey and me out of line for a few minutes."

Max's eyes went wide. He knew how serious it was to pull officers out of line before setting out.

"She did," Dree nodded. "And they came over to the car and the Queen married Mel and I right then and there." Her eyes lifted to El's and Dree smiled. "It was perfect."

"It was," El nodded. "And then our commander called us back and we had to ship out for a whole six months! And all I got was a kiss," she added, making a face at Dree.

"Aww," Dree replied, then leaned around Max to give El a kiss. El stuck her lower lip out as Dree pulled back, then Max leaned over and kissed her, too. They sat for another minute before Dree sighed and nodded to both of them. "We are gonna have to walk all the way back to the room."

"We can just sleep right here," Max sighed, then flumped against Dree and closed his eyes.

"You think?" Dree asked. Max nodded against her shoulder and grinned at El, letting her see the hole where his tooth had been just two days ago. El leaned forward and kissed him, then waved him to her lap.

"I'll carry you back, kiddo," she offered. Max didn't hesitate as he crawled into El's lap, then to her other side and put his arms around her neck. Once she had a hold on him, El pushed herself up from the bench and hiked him up enough to get them both comfortable. Dree stepped over to get one more look at the reception area and said a quick blessing for whoever was going to be married there.

With another smile, she glanced skyward and nodded slightly, then turned back to rejoin her family.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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