Original: Libido (Dree and El) PG

Apr 17, 2013 17:53

Title: Libido [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree and El (mention of Max)
Rating: high-PG
Summary: It's said that there's something in the Disney air...
Warning: just after Separation *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: libido Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Dree headed back to the hotel room, after leaving Max in the childcare facility. Her nerves were mostly shot, having to force herself to leave him there. But, he was smiling; he was playing with other children; and she had immediate contact, if anything should go wrong.

If Max could be strong enough to try something new, so could she.

Nodding to a couple passing her, Dree pulled open the main door to the building the Brooks-Donovan family was staying in. She headed up the stairs, bypassing the elevator, and took a deep breath as she reached the hallway, one floor up.

The girls had talked about going to try one of the restaurants at another hotel, the night before. but, as Dree got closer to their room, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to go too far away.

Just in case.

When Dree finally got to their door, she nodded to herself and pulled out her room key. "Okay, Mel," she called out, stepping into the room and leaning against the door as it closed. El had hopped into the shower while Dree took Max down to the kids' area. "The Monkey is on his own."

She set the keycard on the table and fiddled with the pager as she moved toward the bedroom. It only took a moment, seeing El standing at the edge the suitcase in nothing but a towel, and the little fire that had been growing in her belly since the family had left Pittsburgh flared up.

Dree moved over to El's side and put her arms around the brunette. "I suddenly have no appetite for food," Dree growled. El smirked and turned in her wife's arms.

"Yeah?" El replied, not even trying to hide the pure joy at having her wife all to herself for the first time in nearly a week, where she didn't have to worry about who might see them or what someone might say in front of their son.

Dree wasn't even bothering with a reply as she pulled El toward the bed and yanked the towel away. El laughed as she fell against the mattress, and closed her eyes at the feeling of Dree's lips on her bare skin. "Gods, D," El sighed, then opened her eyes and looked at Dree. "I have missed you."

Dree gave El a dangerous smile and pushed herself up. She grabbed the hem of her top and quickly pulled the shirt over her head, then tossed it over her shoulder. El was already working at the closure of Dree's shorts.

Dree was almost not in control of herself, at the moment. Thanks to the medications Chapel had put her on, Dree's mood swings were random and strong, but never violent. Her sex drive, unfortunately, had been the most distinct loss. But, here and now, the blonde was turned on and up, and she was going to take every advantage she could before it was gone again.

Shifting her weight, Dree leaned over El and smiled down at her wife. "Hey, you," the blonde said.

"Get your ass down here and kiss me, Your Highness."

-love_bingo, goldfish

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