Original: Separation (Dree and Max) G

Apr 17, 2013 17:47

Title: Separation [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree, Max, a random Cast Member, a parent, and a few kids
Rating: G
Summary: As the vacation continues, Max is getting a little braver.
Warning: a few days after Breaking Up is Hard to Do *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: separation Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥ Neverland Club belongs to Walt Disney World and the Polynesian Resort.

Dree watched as her son considered the space in front of him. They had taken DG's suggestion of the childcare provided by the hotel, and made a reservation. However, Dree wasn't about to leave Max alone if he had even the slightest bit of hesitation.

It wasn't like they would be far away, of course - just one building - but they were still in a strange place. They had been at Disney for a few days, by then, and after the airport and the first day at Magic Kingdom, Max had definitely calmed a bit. But, in a new place, it still took him some time to get comfortable.

"Why don't you go look around," the young woman at the desk suggested. Max looked at her, then Dree, then back to the girl. She nodded to him and Max's eyes moved back to Dree, who also nodded.

"I'm not going anywhere, kiddo," she assured him. Not until he assured her he was all right. Both women watched as Max took a careful step into the large room, then veered toward the bookshelf.

"First time at Disney?" the young woman asked. Dree gave her a smile and nodded, though her eyes were still on Max, who had now moved toward a toy chest in the corner.

"I've never left him with anyone who isn't family," Dree finally said, once Max turned and headed across the room, for the video games. "This whole trip is a first for us," she added with a slight smile.

"I understand," the younger woman nodded. "We do give you a pager. If anything happens, we let you know, and you can call us or come back. It's no trouble, really. But, once the other kids show up," she nodded, "kids tend to have a lot of fun."

Dree gave the woman a smile and nodded. A moment later, the door behind them opened and two young boys ran in, ahead of their mother. Both boys greeted the young woman and bounced at the table, until their mother waved them to go play and started filling out their paperwork. Dree smiled again, and watched as the two boys ran in and dodged the same direction Max had disappeared. She watched the woman for a moment, seeing that she clearly had been there before.

The mother called for the boys a moment later, and they came running back around the corner, just enough to be seen by her. "You two are going to behave tonight," she warned them. The boys nodded, then disappeared again. Giving both Dree and the Cast Member a nod, the relieved mother left.

"I've heard you watch movies here?" Dree half-asked. DG had mentioned it to her in the original trip planning.

"We sure do. After dinner, usually. But, if enough of the kids agree on it, we might get another one in." Dree nodded at the information and gave another look toward the playroom.

"Can I make a request? If Max decides to stay?" The younger woman nodded. "We lost Max's father a few months ago," Dree said quietly. "He hasn't seen The Lion King, yet, and... uh... Nemo," she added, nodding to the younger woman.

"Not ones he's ready to see," the girl nodded, understanding why Dree was asking.

"I'd just.." she started, not wanting to tell the woman what to do. "He adores Toy Story. And Star Wars."

The girl smiled again. "It won't be a problem. We can be sure to stick with something lighter. If," her eyebrow raised, "he decides to stay." Dree nodded and mouthed a 'Thank you', then pointed toward the playroom.

"Max," she called. It took a second, but he appeared at the corner and ran toward her. Dree knelt down and gave him a smile. "Report, Ensign?" she asked. Max gave her a crooked smile and scrunched his nose.

"All signs are good," he nodded. She could see a slight hesitation, still, and reached for his hands.

"It's your call, Bud," she assured him. "Mel and I won't be far. And, if you don't want to stay, all you have to do is let the nice lady here, know. And she'll call us right up." Dree glanced back and saw the younger woman nod.

Max nodded in understanding and squeezed her hands. "I think I wish to try it." Dree smiled and pulled him close so that she could give him a kiss.

"Okay, let's go put your name on the list," Dree said a moment later, pushing herself up. The sign-up form was already set out for them, and Dree looked down when Max tugged on her hand.

"Can I write my name, please?" Dree nodded and gave him the pencil.

"Can you reach?" Max nodded and carefully wrote his name on the line, his tongue poking through the fresh hole in his mouth. "Okay," Dree said as she glanced at the rest of the form. "What do you want for dinner? Macaroni or chicken or peabutter?"

Max looked up and made a face. "Is it good peabutter?" Dree looked toward the Cast Member and winced slightly.

"Is the peanut butter the same as the other building? In the wrapper?" The girl nodded and Dree glanced at Max. "How about the macaroni, bud? It'll be easier with your lost tooth." Max nodded, then turned as one of the two boys appeared, beckoning him back.

"Mommy, can I play with them? Pleaseplease?" Dree smiled and nodded. She leaned down to give him a kiss and nudged for him to go. Giving another look to the young woman, Dree shrugged.

"He lost his first tooth night before last. At least he's in a better mood about it, tonight."

"It really is a trip of firsts, isn't it?" the young woman smiled, reaching into a drawer for one of the pagers. Dree gave the woman an uncomfortable laugh and nodded. Once the paperwork was filled out, and the pager was explained, Dree double-checked her watch and gave another look toward the playroom.

After counting to five, and then six, she realized Max wasn't going to come running back with a changed mind. He was ready to be without her.

But was she ready to be without him?

-love_bingo, goldfish

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