Original: Serenade (Garrett, Rebecca, and Luara) G

Mar 24, 2013 01:57

Title: Serenade
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Garrett, Rebecca, and Luara (mention of Riley and Tyler)
Rating: G
Summary: There are few things more soothing than his voice.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: serenade, at gatechic's request. Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs belong to gatechic and are, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Rebecca stood in the shadow of the doorway, listening to the quiet tone of her husband's voice. In his lap was a well-worn storybook, passed down from generations of Cains. Their own two sons had heard it so many times that they didn't even need to see the pages to impart the tale on friends, though the version they got was slightly different from the one Garrett was currently giving.

Her eyes closed as Garrett's voice played out like a melody, hitting the highs and lows in just the right spots, at just the right moments. It was a symphony to her ears, challenged only by the sounds of happy children playing outside under the suns of the Outer Zone.

Though, now, here in the dark, the only sounds to be heard were the words coming from Garrett, painting a wonderful picture of an ancient princess and her bravery against the monsters who had stolen her father away. Well, there was also the quiet creaking of the rocking chair against the old floorboards. but, those sounds had been heard so often over the annuals that she didn't notice them anymore.

Not that she couldn't tell when one of the boys was out of bed, of course.

There was a small squeak, which caused Rebecca's eyes to open. She had to shift slightly toward the doorway to get a look as Garrett moved his leg, then twisted his shoulder. The book was balanced over his knee, now, so that it didn't fall as he lifted the blanketed bundle in his arms.

"What was that, you said?" Rebecca heard his whisper. "Really?" she heard him gasp. "I know she's there, too." Rebecca made a face and rolled her eyes, though she smiled, as he added: "She's a terrible spy."

Pushing off the wall, Rebecca moved into the soft glow of light emanating from the nearly-spent candle. As her eyes readjusted, Rebecca smiled as she watched Garrett take absolute care to adjust his hold on their newborn daughter.

"Why didn't you wake me?" she asked, leaning down to run her fingertips over the small tufts of hair on the newborn's head. Between Rebecca's own shade of red and the curls she would undoubtedly inherit from her father, Luara Cain was going to never be able to deny herself a Quadling.

"Because you need to rest," Garrett responded in the same low tone he'd reserved for Luara's story. "And Lu and I needed to have some time to go over some very important things," he said with a nod to the baby's wide eyes.

"Lu?" Rebecca asked, raised her eyes just enough to meet Garrett's.

Garrett smirked and nodded to her, his eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "Yup. Lu." Glancing down, he ran the lightest fingertip across the baby's cheek and added: "Lulu, maybe." At the smile and sound his touch produced, Garrett beamed. "Lulu, it is." He hooked a finger under her tiny hand and raised her arm just enough so that he could press a kiss to it. "My brave rescuer from the scary monsters."

-love_bingo, oneshot

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