Original: Marriage of Convenience (Emily, Sherri, Ken, and Pete) G

Mar 24, 2013 12:33

Title: Marriage of Convenience
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Emily, Sherri, Ken, and Pete (mention of everyone else)
Rating: G
Summary: Unfortunately, the most qualified for the undercover stint are the most qualified.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: marriage of convenience Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is bizarra's. Mwahaha!! Inspiration comes from a minivan at Downtown Disney, and bizarra's entry for the Make Your Own Fandom challenge at womenverse, with thanks.

"No, I will not!" Emily huffed. She moved the pile of files from the left side of the desk to the right, as if that simple motion would end the discussion.

"You have to," Ken replied, arms crossed and looking grim. He knew she wouldn't like the suggestion, and the look he shot across the office to their boss said as much. In the corner, Pete just shook his head.

Stepping up next to Ken, Sherri nodded. "It's best if it's you, Em. You already know-"

Emily gave her friend and co-worker a look, then shook her head. "No. You want someone to pretend to be married, you do it." Pointing toward the door, she quickly added: "Craig and Liz can do it!" She sat down in the chair she shared with her partner and huffed as she spun the chair away from the others.

Sherri looked from Ken to Pete then stepped around the desk. "Em, honey.. you two are the ones no one's seen yet." Emily had been out of town for the last week, at a training conference. Tony had been up in Tallahassee, leading a class at the Highway Patrol Academy. "We've been at both scenes and if this guy is watching, he's seen me. He's seen Liz." She knelt down to look up at her friend and reached for the blonde's hand.

"And I don't blend in at all," Ken added with a smirk. He and Craig had also been at the last scene, so only their other teammate was available; Craig and Liz were currently trying to head Tony off before he got in for his shift, also to keep him from being seen.

"This guy isn't done, Fisher," Pete said from behind his desk. He always called her by her last name, official business or not. "Robbins-"

"Robbins what?" Emily snapped, then glanced down. She didn't mean to snap at him, but she hated this feeling of being cornered by her friends. Her family.

"Robbins has done her workup on this guy, Emily," Pete continued, ignoring her outburst. When he used her name, Emily glanced up, while Ken gave Sherri a look. "I don't like this plan any more than you do, for other reasons. But, I'd much rather he comes after one of us, than some poor couple who's just here for a vacation."

"I don't want to," Emily repeated quietly. "Sher," she started, giving the redhead a look. Sherri nodded, knowing exactly why Emily was fighting them.

"I know, hon," Sherri nodded. "And we'll make it up to you. I promise," she added with a smile. "Night out on the town, drinks on us. Dinner on the boys." She actually hated doing this to her friend, but they needed to control the situation if the attacker hit. And, having two officers posing as the married couple was the best way to do it.

It just so happened that the two officers they had to work with were currently divorced from each other.

-love_bingo, magic squad

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