Marauder Rare Pairs ♦ Rules

Jun 22, 2011 17:43

Marauder Rare Pairs Rules


Happy Summer! A new season and a new fest at mwpp_mischief. Summer is a time for adventure and trying new things, for getting involved where you may have shied away before. In that vein, we've decided to (as you may have surmised from our recent poll) hold a Marauders Rare Pairs Fest.

Due to the results of said poll, the format of this fest will be Pick-a-Prompt/Self-Prompt. Please take a look at the timeline and specific rules for more information.

Community Rules
Characters | Genres & Pairings | Eras | Ratings | Submission Requirements | Headers | Reposting Your Work | Posting at the Community | Tagging Your Work

Rules for Marauder Rare Pairs
  1. All fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words. Art should consist of a completed work; no sketches please!
  2. This fest is anonymous. We ask that you not repost your work until after the reveals.
  3. If you are using Word to prepare your manuscript, please make sure to turn off smart quotes! Tools >> AutoCorrect >> AutoFormat As You Type >> Uncheck "straight quotes with smart quotes".
  4. All fics must be beta read. If you do not have a beta reader, contact one of our volunteer beta readers. The mods reserve the right to ask participants to revise their work if there is a considerable amount of errors.
  5. All submissions must be stand alone pieces created specifically for this fest.
  6. Pairings must comply with the Pairing Rules outlined below.


Considering that this is a Rare Pair fest, we have a few restrictions placed on the pairings your fic/art can center on. Naturally, most Marauder pairings are rare in the larger context of the Harry Potter fandom. However, we are basing our rare pairs for this fest on pairings that appear most common in Marauder fandom.

Our first restriction is that, considering this is a rare pair fest, we ask that participants not create works that are of the "gen" genre. While we love fanworks about the Marauders getting up to no good platonically, this is not the fest for them this time around.

Our other rule asks that fanworks also not center on any of the more prominent pairings listed below:
  • Remus/Sirius
  • Lily/James
  • Remus/Severus

Again, we don't restrict fanworks centering on these because we hate these pairings, but because they are more widely found in Marauder fandom.

However, the three pairings outlawed above may exist as background pairings or established pairings in a threesome/moresome fanwork. Essentially, as long as the fanwork centers on the rare pair, it can contain elements of these more popular pairings. If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to ask.


June 24 - July 1: Prompt submissions
July 4: Prompts are posted / Claiming begins
July 17: Claiming officially closes *
September 4: Submissions are due
September 19: Posting Begins

* Participants who miss the claiming period can contact the mods about claiming a prompt after the deadline has passed.


Our prompting dates run from June 24th through July 1st (11:59 PM EST). During this time, anyone (even if you don't intend on creating a submission for the fest) maybe respond to our prompting post with prompts. A form will be made available for these prompts for both clarity and consistency.

We are not placing restrictions on the number of prompts a person can submit; however, the moderators reserve the right to reject any submissions that we deem offensive in nature (those that might depict misogyny, pornographic images/videos, racism, etc).

The prompting post will be screened to add an extra element of fun to the fest. So even if it doesn't appear that anyone has submitted prompts, that's likely untrue.

Moderators will compile a masterlist of prompts and post the masterlist on Monday, July 4th along with the claiming post.

If you find that you are not inspired by a prompt submitted, you are welcome to "self-prompt," or use your own idea in place of our prompts.


Claiming opens Monday, July 4th and will officially remain open until Sunday, July 17th. If you miss the claiming period, you are more than welcome to contact the mods to claim a prompt outside of this window.

For Rare Pairs, we are allowing multiple claims per prompt, so there is no rush to select which prompt you are writing for. If you are self-prompting, the mods ask that you provide us with the pairing and a general idea of what you will be writing (essentially, give us your own prompt).

Submitting Your Work

Our fest deadline is Sunday, September 4th (11:59 PM EST).

Please make sure that you include the appropriate header in the body of your email as well as within the document for fics.

Fics can be in .doc, .docx, or .rtf formats. Please include all html tags within your work. Not sure how to do that? Check out the table on this webpage.

All submissions should be emailed to the moderators at mwpp [dot] mischief [at] gmail [dot] com. You will receive a confirmation from the mods when we receive it. Usually we'll get back to you within 24 hours, if not sooner.

Important: Please make sure to include in the subject line of your email: your name, prompt number (if applicable), and the title of your submission. This makes life so much easier on your mods.

Finally, we understand that real life, unfortunately, can get in the way of things. If for some reason you need to drop out, you must let us know. If you choose not to contact the mods in any form, you forfeit your right to participate in other mwpp_mischief pick-a-prompts and exchanges. If you do contact us to formally drop out, you may continue to participate in future events without repercussion (unless this becomes a reoccurring issue with you).

Please keep in mind that we're flexible people. If you need an extension, contact us about it. More than likely, we can work something out with you. We'd rather have you turn in a submission late than not turn one in at all. The sooner you contact us about an extension, the better.


And lastly, please use the following code to advertise for the fest. It's difficult for the moderators to reach every corner of Marauder-related fandom, though we try. If you help us pimp the fest, not only will we get more fantastic Marauder fic and art, but also we can reach out to more people-people that, otherwise, may be missed. So please, participants, give us a hand in this.">" border="2" alt="Mischief Managed banner"/>">Rules & Timeline

We hope you decide to enjoy the hot weather with us and try something new!

Your mods,

liebedance and museme87

The mods would also like to take a moment to remind community members to check out our recent rule change concerning featured characters.

fest: rare pairs, !rules

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