Who Knew? (PG-13)

Jul 09, 2010 10:40

Title: Who Knew?
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: hot
Word Count: ~925
Summary: Harry discovers Hermione's well-hidden secret
A/N: lauryne78, I hope you enjoy this -- think of it as a belated birthday present, my dear! The hot cross buns will be coming later, promise! ;) lauryne78 prompted me with 'hot'.

Who Knew )

ficlet, harry, ron, harry/ginny, ron/hermione

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Comments 12

lauryne78 July 9 2010, 14:54:54 UTC
Hee!! This is *wonderful*!!

Thank you so much!!!!!

I loved it all, but I was particularly fond of:

"She's got ... she's got boobs," Harry whispered conspiratorially, as if he were revealing some long hidden secret.

Poor Harry, always having difficulty with Hermione's boobs!


"Harry smiled knowingly, somewhat relieved to know Ron wasn't getting any either. Just before he closed the door, Ron looked over his shoulder. "She takes a Muggle pill," he said with a wink before closing the door."

Heh. Hehehehheheheh. Naughty! Just as they should be.

This was a perfect way to start the day!!


pettybureaucrat July 9 2010, 15:20:53 UTC
I wonder what they'll have to say to each other once all four of them finally get out of bed and end up in the kitchen.

Hopefully Harry is 'getting some' as well.


lectura35 July 9 2010, 15:45:22 UTC
Ron reopened Hermione's door and as went to slip inside, he whispered, "We don't need it."

Harry smiled knowingly, somewhat relieved to know Ron wasn't getting any either. Just before he closed the door, Ron looked over his shoulder. "She takes a Muggle pill," he said with a wink before closing the door.

This is SO Ron´s :) :)
Love the teasing, dear!


tmblue July 9 2010, 16:01:37 UTC
HAH! This is really adorable. I love it when Ron wins in these situations :) And Harry's shocked face afterwards... I can just see it!


daisymaeevans July 9 2010, 22:10:33 UTC
This is awesome-I definitely needed the chuckle! Thanks for a great read, love!


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