Who Knew? (PG-13)

Jul 09, 2010 10:40

Title: Who Knew?
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: hot
Word Count: ~925
Summary: Harry discovers Hermione's well-hidden secret
A/N: lauryne78, I hope you enjoy this -- think of it as a belated birthday present, my dear! The hot cross buns will be coming later, promise! ;) lauryne78 prompted me with 'hot'.

"I cannot believe that Mum made us get up so early," Ron grumbled as he and Harry plodded down the stairs from Ron's room.

"Yeah," Harry yawned in agreement.

"Just because she feels the need to get up at the arse crack of dawn, doesn't mean we should have to," Ron continued. "Don't know why she has to wake us just because she's going out."

"Might be afraid you'll sleep the day away if she didn't."

"Yeah, well..." Ron didn't bother arguing with Harry's observation, knowing there was more than a little truth to it.

They stopped on the landing leading to the floor with Percy's old room, where Hermione was staying until the start of her last term at Hogwarts.

Hermione had spent most of her time since the Battle of Hogwarts reconnecting with her parents after their return from Australia. Ron spent that same time Apparating back and forth between the Burrow and her home, having finally received his licence.

"Wanna see if Hermione'll join us down at the orchard for a fly?" Ron asked, nodding toward his girlfriend's room.

"If you think she'll wanna," Harry shrugged. "Guess we could play two-a-side."

"She'll prob'ly just read or something," Ron conceded. "Worth a shot though, yeah?"

The boys approached Hermione's closed door and Ron knocked softly. When she didn't answer, he tried again. "Hermione? You decent? It's me and Harry." He turned the handle and opened the door. "Hermione?" he called, as he and Harry poked their heads in the room.

They were greeted by the unusual sight of Hermione Granger having a lie-in.

"You wear her out last night, mate?" Harry joked. He didn't really think Ron and Hermione were having sex, but he couldn't be sure. Harry supposed he could ask Ron, "So Ron, you shagging the girl I consider my sister?" As if that conversation would ever happen.

"Not hardly," Ron shook his head dejectedly. "Probably fell asleep reading."

Sure enough a large tome lay open on the bed beside Hermione, causing Ron and Harry to snigger. They were about to back out of the room when Hermione rolled over onto her back and murmured something incomprehensible, followed by a noise that sounded suspiciously like a giggle.

Harry suddenly let out a gasp of surprise. Ron turned to his best mate to see what the problem was.

Harry was staring at Hermione, gobsmacked.

"She ... she's got..." Harry cupped his hands to his chest, squeezing an imaginary bosom.

Ron chuckled quietly, "You just figured out Hermione's a girl. Ha! And they say I'm the thick one."

"I knew she was a girl," Harry hissed. "I just didn't ever notice her, uh, chest area before."

"Chest area?" Ron asked darkly.

Harry didn't catch the change in Ron's tone of voice, he was too busy staring at Hermione. The grey vest top she was wearing had twisted in her sleep and risen up to reveal her lean stomach and smooth skin. Her breasts strained against the tight cotton fabric, her hardened nipples obvious through the thin material. Harry suspected the boxer shorts she was wearing belonged to Ron, as they were a hideous orange and covered in interconnected C's.

"She's got ... she's got boobs," Harry whispered conspiratorially, as if he were revealing some long hidden secret.

"I know," Ron responded curtly.

"And they're nice ... really nice" Harry said with awe. "She's actually kinda hot."

"I know," Ron growled, barely containing his anger. "And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop ogling her Potter."

"Whuh?" Harry looked at Ron, confused. "Oh!" He finally realised how he had been staring at Hermione. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, "I didn't mean to-"

"Let's get out of here." Ron wrapped a large hand around Harry's arm and made to pull him from the doorway when Hermione stirred again.

"Rrrrrrrrnnnnnnn," she moaned, followed by another giggle.

"Again with the giggling," Harry noted.

Ron's dark mood lifted as he watched Hermione wiggle into her mattress and sigh. He guided Harry back into the hall so he could close Hermione's bedroom door.

"Hermione Granger does not giggle," Harry insisted.

"True, Hermione Granger, our best mate, doesn't giggle." Ron shook his head and laughed. "However Hermione Granger, my girlfriend, does all sorts of things you'd be surprised at - giggling is the least of them.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take advantage of my mum's absence and give my girlfriend a proper wake up."

"Don't forget the contraception charm," Harry teased.

Ron reopened Hermione's door and as went to slip inside, he whispered, "We don't need it."

Harry smiled knowingly, somewhat relieved to know Ron wasn't getting any either. Just before he closed the door, Ron looked over his shoulder. "She takes a Muggle pill," he said with a wink before closing the door.

Harry heard Ron's deep voice rumble something from inside the room, followed by a high-pitched laugh, before the familiar squelching sound of an Imperturbable Charm being cast on the door.

Harry stared at the door for a few moments, contemplating what his best mates were doing on the other side of the thin wooden door, something he didn't think he'd be doing for quite a while - not that he wasn't trying. Suddenly it occurred to him, if Ron was busy with Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley was out, then he and Ginny would be alone.

And her boobies are brilliant, he thought as he raced down the stairs.

ficlet, harry, ron, harry/ginny, ron/hermione

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