Cooling Off (PG-13)

Jul 07, 2010 20:54

Title: Cooling Off

Rating: PG-13

Word Count: ~410

Prompt: Kick

Summary: Harry and Ron enjoy a chat about Ron's love life.

A/N: Prequel to Enjoying the View ; Another attempt to kick my muse in the ass. Thanks to redheadsarehot for the prompt.

"I can't believe she kicked us out of the house! My own house!"

"You know how Hermione is when it comes to revision, mate. Can't come as that much of a surprise to you."

"Yeah, mental ... completely mental," Ron mumbled under his breath as he tossed another wayward gnome out of the garden.

Harry nodded in appreciation at the distance Ron managed to achieve. "Good one."

They worked in silence for a few moments before Harry looked sideways at Ron and cleared his throat. "So you and Hermione... 's going all right, then?

"Yeah." Ron didn't elaborate, though his ears did begin to pinken.

"She's been, uh, visiting you up in your room ... at night?"

"Yeah," Ron commented tersely, his ears now burning scarlet.

"Does she, um, stay? All night I mean."

Ron launched the gnome in his hand before turning on Harry. "Mind telling me why you want to know? Ginny send you on some mission to get blackmail material on me or something?"

"Wh-what... No, no!" Harry raised his hands defensively, shaking his head emphatically. "Ginny's got nothing to do with it. I just wanted to see how you guys were doing ... I want you both happy. And if Hermione spending the night makes you two happy, then that's great."

"Oh, okay. Sorry." Ron found another gnome and spun quickly around before sending the creature flying. Once he regained his footing, he toed the ground, looking slightly embarrassed. "So, yeah ... things are good, effing brilliant in fact." Ron's smile spread across his face, crinkling his eyes into small blue triangles. "Gods, the things that girl comes up with ... so fucking hot..."

"Oi! Watch it, that's my sister you're talking about," Harry interrupted.

"Whuh?" Ron looked as if he had been hit with a Confundus charm.

"I'm gonna fly over to meet Ginny at Luna's. Why don't you go take a cold shower or something?" Harry gave a quick nod toward the bulge growing in Ron's jeans.

"Bloody hell!"

"Better yet, I'll help you out." Harry pulled out his wand and shouted, "Aguamenti," sending a blast of water at Ron, soaking him from head to toe. Harry summoned a broom and flew off laughing.

"You better run - Chosen One or not, I'm gonna kick your ass when you get back."

Ron looked down at this wet clothes, sticking to his body and groaned.  "You can be a right tit, you know that Potter!" Ron shouted over his shoulder as he stomped into the Burrow's kitchen, slamming the back door behind him.

drabble, harry, ron, ron/hermione

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