1.) Laura 2.) Searching for 'Ingrid Michaelson' on LJ :) 3.) a. I lovelovelove traveling b. Fergie rocks my world c. I have an over one foot tall action figure of The Bride from Kill Bill on my desk
1.Ashley 2.BB10 friend add post 3.I hang out with washed up boybanders in my spare time. I fell down the and broke my tailbone while walking the stage to graduate from kindergarten. Ive seen NFG in concert 27 times
I'm gonna say that number one is the lie and was meant to confuse me, which it has only partially done. You didn't answer the other two questions though.
what to do...thekyle77November 14 2008, 07:40:40 UTC
well, the easy way would be that you made me rent the entire 1st season of that t.v. show from netflix. does that make me inherently awesome? or, we can go the hard way. i'm caught between one and three...one seems plausible, however unlikely, and three seems to intricate to be a lie. but don't they say if you're gonna lie, lie big? i'm conflicted, but i'm gonna guess the lie is one! here's mine!
1) I can (and often do) recite the number pi out to 35 decimal places from memory.
2) I was (technically) kidnapped for about a year by a parent when I was 15.
3) I have voted in every federal, state, and local election that I've been eligible to since I turned 18.
Re: what to do...musikittyNovember 14 2008, 21:23:13 UTC
I know number one isn't a lie because you've told me before, or Karen has, or something. It sounds familiar. I don't think two is a lie because you changed it from 16 to 15, leaving me to believe that you got it wrong at first and changed it so it was right. So I'm guessing number three is the lie because everyone slips up with a local election at some point.
Comments 28
2.) Searching for 'Ingrid Michaelson' on LJ :)
3.) a. I lovelovelove traveling b. Fergie rocks my world c. I have an over one foot tall action figure of The Bride from Kill Bill on my desk
2.BB10 friend add post
3.I hang out with washed up boybanders in my spare time.
I fell down the and broke my tailbone while walking the stage to graduate from kindergarten.
Ive seen NFG in concert 27 times
my guess is your lie is #2.
1. i worked in a factory packing rice cakes
2. i didn't like avocados until i was 35
3. i love snowboarding
i think number three is a lie
number one) that i think your number three is a lie
number two) that i had forgot how to ride a bike once
number three) nobody likes to, but i really like to cry
sorry about the delete... spelled wrong
or, we can go the hard way. i'm caught between one and three...one seems plausible, however unlikely, and three seems to intricate to be a lie. but don't they say if you're gonna lie, lie big? i'm conflicted, but i'm gonna guess the lie is one! here's mine!
1) I can (and often do) recite the number pi out to 35 decimal places from memory.
2) I was (technically) kidnapped for about a year by a parent when I was 15.
3) I have voted in every federal, state, and local election that I've been eligible to since I turned 18.
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