banner by stacys-stuff

Nov 02, 2007 21:52

Since almost all of my posts are now friends only, I figured it was about time to make a friends only post. I tend to be wary of these because I personally find them intimidating when I want to add someone. I just want to let any prospective readers know that I'm not in any way intimidating. I'm just paranoid. Chances are, I won't add you back unless you comment. (Friends I've already added are safe, of course.)

To make this a little more fun, let's play my favorite ice breaker: two truths and a lie! I'll play too. Go ahead and guess which is the lie, and current friends can play too.

1) I don't know how to whistle.
2) I have relatives in Japan and Malaysia.
3) I didn't know how to raise one eyebrow until I taught myself in front of a mirror as a child in an attempt to be more like Jim Carrey.

Sooooo if you'd like to be added, leave a comment with 1) your name, 2) how you found me, and 3) two truths and a lie. OR you could avoid all of those by just leaving a quote from the television show that my friends only banner references. Then I will know you are inherently awesome :o) No giving away what show it is in comments though!

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