Weekly Wednesday Prompts! Prompt #3

Jun 01, 2011 18:38

Well, one person other than myself posted a review, so that's better than nothing, huh?

This week's prompt...

Review Your Favorite: Based-on-a-film!AU

-A Based-on-a-film!au is exactly what it sounds like... a fic based on a film. It can be ANY film and it can even be loosely based. Hell, if you REALLY aren't sure it's based on a film but still reminds you of that film, that works too!

Post reviews of your favorite fics of this category in a post using the template provided in the rules post (linked in the sidebar). Make sure to mention in the subject line that it's a review for Prompt #3.

Have fun and PARTICIPATE! I'll post my rec for this one in a few hours so SOMEONE has one up, but seriously, this prompt system can't be any good if people don't participate!

weekly wednesday prompts, genre/category: based-on-a-film, mod!post

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