These are my babies for you all to download and use in your game as you wish. Each sim comes in basegame hair and clothes.
However, I am playing this legacy with a set of skins including geneticized skins that fall in bettwen s2 and s3. They have, what I like to call s2.5, which is the only extra piece of CC included in the packages. If the sim has this skin they'll have * next to their name.
Sims that have alien skins will only look the same if you have the same alien defaults. They'll adopt whatever alien defaults you have in game. If you download one of the alien skinned, can I ask that you post a pic of how they look for you in game? I'm just curious. :)
Otherwise, enjoy!
Generation Two
Esteban Valenzuela *
Pleasure - 2/3/10/6/5
Mateo Valenzuela *
Family - 2/3/9/7/4
Generation Three
Che Valenzuela *
Knowledge/Popularity - 2/9/9/7/6
Javier Valenzuela *
Romance/Grilled Cheese - 3/7/9/7/9
Generation Four
Alejandro Valenzuela Pleasure/Fortune - 3/7/4/7/9
Guillermo Valenzuela Fortune/Romance - 8/2/9/8/8
Generation Five
Magdalena Valenzuela Popularity/Family - 4/4/9/7/8
Luz Valenzuela *
Knowledge/Grilled Cheese - 10/4/10/2/9
Paz Valenzuela Knowledge/Romance - 7/6/9/8/3
If there are any issues with the links, please let me know. ^_^