φDeak's Presence - Why and How

Sep 16, 2010 22:34

Lately the stress of the experiments has started to take a toll on Lavi's mental strength, he was getting tired of it all. Not being able to have any kind of true attachment to people, not allowing oneself real feelings in this sort of environment is unhealthy. And yet at the same time that distance and ability to distance himself was keeping him sane each time a friend died or was hurt because of an experiment. Still, Lavi was coming to the conclusion that he, as a Bookman, wouldn't be sane enough soon to keep continuing on if he had to lock himself down and look away from what was going on. He couldn't record anything that way, and that means he's failing.

At the start of the open event at the Abyss, Lavi ran into two Noahs that weren't of "his world" and one of these happened to be a version of himself. The conversation (scroll down to musicalrabbit) left Lavi rattled and more than a little paranoid by the thought that there could quite possibly be a Noah in his own head. Granted it wouldn't be Fourteenth unless the Noah decided to jump from Allen over to Lavi, but the very thought that there could be a Noah sleeping inside of him made him paranoid. His conversation with the Allen-based Fourteenth, referred to as Whiteteenth, wasn't nearly as bad in the brain breaking department. The conclusion reached with that Whiteteenth was that he's a little more insane than the Fourteenth he's dealt with before was, concerning in some ways.

Over a week later and still in the Abyss, Lavi went out searching for Axel at Roxas' mentioning that the redhead had disappeared. At first it's just an odd Tease that Lavi runs into, but Whiteteenth appears and manages to get the three of them captured, the slavers attentions caught by Whiteteenth ringing Tease like a bell. The three were in the slavers' hands for a few days and suffered while in their control.
  • Lavi
  • They stole his eye-patch (presumably now on a slaver, he didn't get it back), was able to keep his hammer. Has two dozen whip lashes on his back, several long knife scars along his chest and stomach. Starved for the few days that he was captive, shattered left leg and foot, raped half a dozen times; forced to watch them whip, cut, and rape Whiteteenth as well after he was brought back into the room. Beaten if he didn't watch, kept seeing Allen in his mind's eye under Noah torture, so he screamed at them to let Whiteteenth go and keep him. Forced to orally satisfy three of the slavers, concussion, severe bruising, and multiple muscles torn.
  • Whiteteenth
  • Back suffered whip lashes, over two dozen knife cuts once they found out he healed, starved and raped while captive. Reacted with fury upon hearing Lavi's screams, slavers brought them back in the same room to break them both further. Ultimately fully restrained with chains four inches in diameter and pinned between two heavy crates.
  • Tease
  • Held in a jar over a fireplace, shaken inside the jar, went underwater in jar with air holes.
Despite being saved and physically healed alongside everyone else, Lavi was rather shaken by the whole thing. As of right now he refused to be touched by anyone, for any reason at all. If he sees the contact coming he'll flinch away from it visibly, if he doesn't and contact is made, Lavi will start horribly and immediately pull away. This is a temporary thing, at most lasting for as long as Deak is out. With thanks to his incredible memory, Lavi is suffering from nightmares almost every time he closes his eyes, so sleep itself will become rather scarce even with Deak in charge. The former record will experience them second hand but work with the current record to distance from them so they won't bother him as much. Deak came out after one such nightmare and at the moment he's trying desperately to keep up a cover and have people assume that he's Lavi.

Deak, while a stronger record, is more like a Bookman. Cold and indifferent except in the sanity of the main body and the current record. So for Lavi's sake he's trying and trying a little too hard. He's a little too enthusiastic and a little too happy for Lavi, most people can easily pick up that something is wrong, at least, if not that it's another personality in charge. Those from home might have an easier time at realizing it's not him at all. He's supposed to be failing at being the 49th record, it's not him, he will slip constantly while trying to keep "Lavi" the same way for those that know him.

Still, Deak is a stronger personality, he's able to deal with these sorts of things where as Lavi isn't quite able to. So he offered to come out, being that he was the most recent record aside from Lavi, and hold down the fort while Lavi went to sleep to heal himself. There won't be a fight when it comes time for Lavi to come back, Deak knows this isn't his place and he has no desire to record the experiments. By the end of this whole thing, nothing of Lavi will be faked anymore, he can't be distant. It's easier to have the attachments that may cause pain and skew the records, but he'll try his hardest to keep them from doing that. All of his emotions will be more genuine, he'll talk less of his work and try harder at getting to know those he knows already.

!information, ~historyrabbit, #a_facility

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