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Comments 4

tsuki_no_bara February 15 2017, 04:10:07 UTC
i like the idea of kara and lena as friends - mostly because i think kara needs a friend who isn't a. her sister, or b. superhero or superhero-adjacent - but man, there is SO MUCH UST in their scenes. holy cow. i can't quite buy lena as evil, tho, so i hope that's not where the ptb are going.

>>just as when James said Clark and Lex used to be BFF, I pictured Smallville's Clark and Lex.<<

so did i! and i never even watched it. i thought "well, bff is one word for it...."


musesfool February 15 2017, 15:49:02 UTC
I agree about Kara needing friends, but that's the problem with these superhero shows - everybody has to either be superhero-adjacent or they get left behind.

i thought "well, bff is one word for it...."



percysowner February 15 2017, 04:43:06 UTC
I admit, watching Kara and Lena made me think the CW has just decided that Kryptonians are naturally Luthorsexual, first Smallville (Clex will always and forever be my OTP) and now this.

Jimmy, there was a reason Clark kept defending Lex and "friendship" wasn't even half of it.


musesfool February 15 2017, 15:49:34 UTC
It certainly does seem that way!


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