what you need is a big strong hand to lift you to your higher ground

Feb 14, 2017 11:48

Supergirl: Luthors
WHY CAN'T WE HAVE KARA/LENA? I was just like, "NOW KISS" for all their scenes. Lillian Luthor sure is a piece of work. I'm enjoying her as a villain. She is definitely a good match for Lionel (I am just always going to imagine Smallville's Lionel, just as when James said Clark and Lex used to be BFF, I pictured Smallville's Clark and Lex. I don't know if i believe that was intentional, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it were.) I just don't want Lena to go evil! Ambiguous, sure. Ruthless? Okay. but full on supervillain? No.

Aw, Alex introduced Maggie to her friends.

Mr. Mxyzptlk! And they made him cute! What even?

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Fifty-Five
Oh my heart! I thought they did a really good job here, acknowledging the tragedy and Jane's grief and still keeping in tune with the show's breezy tone. I love bearded Zen Raf and his BFF relationship with Jane, and his friendship with Petra, and oh gosh, Jane and Petra and their Saturday brunches made me tear up. I just want them to be happy together! I am not sure about him dating Lyla Garrity though. And I don't care at all for Petra's sleazy hatefuck buddy. Though I guess he cares at least at little if he signed the easement even though he didn't alter the plans. (I think Rose killed Scott. Or maybe Magda? Or one of her Czech connections after he broke up with Anezka? I don't think Anezka would have done it.)

Poor Xo, reality show villain. But Rogelio would have given up another season of the show for her, which is lovely. I do love them together, even if Bruce is around for now.

Yay! Jane's book attracted interest! That scene was lovely all around, and then I teared up at the end when she listened to Michael's voicemail about oranges.

So I'm pleased with how that went in this new version of the show. Crossing out "Virgin" to make it "Widow" was a nice, heartbreaking touch.


I'm still thinking about how to make Sith!Bucky and Jedi!Steve work. Possibly setting it in the Rebels timeline, pre-ANH, would be the way to go. I can't wrap my head around how ANH works, though, in this universe, unless this is all happening somehow in addition to Anakin's storyline rather than in place of it (I suppose he could ...not fall and be on the run with Padme, Obi-Wan and the kids. Or he could still be Darth Vader and Bucky is just like Ventress was, or Mara Jade in the EU - a dark side assassin without a Sith title). It's a good thing I'm not writing it. *g*


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: supergirl, tv: jane the virgin, crossovers that should exist, epic tragic century long love story, the skywalker family tragedy

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