when i was drowning, that's when i could finally breathe

May 18, 2016 15:53

I enjoyed both the Mets' and the Sharks' shutouts last night. Those results were most pleasing to me.


The Flash: Invincible
spoilers )

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books: star wars, books, the skywalker family tragedy

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Comments 13

lokifan May 18 2016, 22:30:14 UTC
I mean given Zoom's faster than Barry I see why he didn't want to take the risk, but also he was literally saying "I'm going to kill your dad" so at that point give it a go, Barry. Still, I can understand panic.

CISCO IS MY FAVOURITE IN EVERY EPISODE AND ESPECIALLY THIS EPISODE. Throwing shit! Group hugs! Keeping his blue visor and Caitlin's bustier!

And you're so right about Iris. Given I spent all of S1 being like "you're pretty good but I AM SO FRUSTRATED OMG" it's nice to be vindicated in her total awesome since she's joined Team Flash.


musesfool May 22 2016, 00:49:34 UTC
Yeah, at a certain point you have to act in that situation and we don't know that Zoom is faster since Barry came back from the Speed Force. I mean, I'd think it'd feel worse to not have tried to save him at all than to have at least tried and failed? But I don't know.

CISCO IS SO GREAT. I'm so happy they found the sweet spot with him, because I was unsure the first couple of episodes last season, but he is like an all around MVP for this show.


mousapelli May 19 2016, 01:40:34 UTC
SHARKS SHARKS SHARKS on man they have to make to playing the pens so i can go out with an actual real life person and watch an actual real life thing that i care about and could possibly talk about intelligently.

also because if they get knocked out the chinchilla might murder me when she discovers hockey is not a year end sport.

Have you ever read Remarkable Creatures? I picked it up at the scholastic warehouse sale and enjoyed it well enough, it's about lady fossil hunters around the turn of the century and is semi-historical. It was a pretty fast read. Somehow I don't have a dinosaur icon?


musesfool May 22 2016, 00:51:55 UTC
Ugh, tonight is so bad. I had to turn it off. Its' like they're a whole different team wtf?!

Have you ever read Remarkable Creatures? I picked it up at the scholastic warehouse sale and enjoyed it well enough, it's about lady fossil hunters around the turn of the century and is semi-historical. It was a pretty fast read. Somehow I don't have a dinosaur icon?

I haven't but it sounds interesting! *adds it to the to-read list*


mousapelli May 22 2016, 01:03:26 UTC
this game is HORRIBLE ahahahaha yeah i might get the chinchilla out and pretend this isn't happening


musesfool May 22 2016, 01:05:39 UTC
I think that's best. There's always game 5.


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 02:30:54 UTC
i loved the nameless city. i hope you figure out how to read it as intended, because it's really good. weird that your kindle keeps doing that, tho.

the wrath and the dawn sounds really interesting. this meme is so great - it gives me suggestions!


musesfool May 22 2016, 00:53:28 UTC
Yeah, I don't know what is up with it doing that, but it makes it very hard to read and almost impossible to tell what's going on in the art, since horizontally it automatically goes to a two-page view and there's no way to enlarge it.

the wrath and the dawn sounds really interesting. this meme is so great - it gives me suggestions!

It's certainly made my to-read list a lot longer!

I liked The Wrath and the Dawn, but I'm annoyed that yet again it's a trilogy instead of a self-contained novel. Just. tell a complete story, guys! Come on!


viridian5 May 19 2016, 06:01:27 UTC
I totally understand the anti-pep talks since for me Barry was less positive and confident than overconfident to the point of cockiness or delusion. When Barry is overconfident about things, he often makes bad decisions, and he's done more than enough of that this season.

I understand panic too, but Barry standing there staring that long when anyone, especially a genre savvy nerd, would know Zoom's about to kill his father. His father knew full well. Zoom really can't resist the "one bad day" thing, huh? Zoom, you are no Joker, and he couldn't sell that one either.

I loved Black Siren and her smarts. The thing with tossing Cisco the bar to see what hand he caught it with was great.

I actually like Joe's overprotectiveness toward Wally because to me it makes some of the crap he's pulled toward Iris less of a gendered thing and more of a Joe thing. Maybe someday he'll realize it never works.


musesfool May 22 2016, 01:08:05 UTC
But I don't think his poor decisions this season have been from overconfidence? Though this season was a bit of a mess, plot-wise.

I understand panic too, but Barry standing there staring that long when anyone, especially a genre savvy nerd, would know Zoom's about to kill his father. His father knew full well.

Yeah, it was so ridiculous. Like, you tried talking, but you know it's not going to work so DO SOMETHING. The Speed Force gave him his speed back, maybe he's faster now! He should have done something and it makes me so frustrated that he didn't! (I mean, I also think it's just annoyingly lazy writing.)

I actually like Joe's overprotectiveness toward Wally because to me it makes some of the crap he's pulled toward Iris less of a gendered thing and more of a Joe thing. Maybe someday he'll realize it never works.

Good point!


viridian5 May 22 2016, 09:03:13 UTC
Maybe "overconfidence" isn't quite the right word, but it's something when Barry decides he's going to open a door between Earth 1 and Earth 2 to let Zoom back onto Earth 1 so he can go on a killing and mayhem spree get at Zoom or travel back in time and Harry tells him how terrible those ideas are and how they can make things get even worse yet Barry lets the words slide off him and does what he wants anyway. And how he learns absolutely nothing from his failures and blithely goes on to doing the next horrible idea anyway.


musesfool May 24 2016, 16:49:50 UTC
I think it's actually just poor writing? But within the universe, it feels less like overconfidence to me and more like...thoughtlessness? Not following his ideas to their logical endpoints and understanding the consequences? He's not all "I know what's best!" so much as "Maybe this? Except I didn't think it through..." and the others enable him (except for Harry).


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