"I love her. I love her mind. I love her shoes."

Feb 15, 2016 09:30

I've already come to terms with the idea that almost no one is going to read this story I'm currently writing, but now I'm stressing about tagging because despite my dreamy middle-of-the-night notion that I could use an ampersand, since it is definitely not a romance, I realized that I'm going to have to label it with a pairing tag even though I ( Read more... )

on archiving, tv: west wing, fangirl problems, writing is hard!

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Comments 6

redbrunja February 15 2016, 16:02:49 UTC
My two cents? Don't label it with a pairing but make an author's note in the beginning about the platonic sex pollen. That would be my advice.


musesfool February 15 2016, 16:31:05 UTC
I definitely have a quite extensive author's note to put on it. MY original thought was not to put the pairing label on, but then I worried that people would then be surprised by the content, despite the note... Maybe I need to give people more credit?


redbrunja February 21 2016, 18:41:56 UTC
Well, fandom has never yet failed to live DOWN to my expectations... but I noticed that you ended up posting it as gen, and I think that's a good call, because it's the clearest way to tell people, what they're going to get with that fic, which is the point of tags, imho.


musesfool February 22 2016, 15:39:47 UTC
Yeah, it seemed neater to not use the pairing tag, because it's not pairing fic and the notes etc. make that clear. And also it didn't seem like a good idea to put it in the pairing tag, where people who actually ship it would be looking for an entirely different sort of story.


laleia February 16 2016, 01:42:54 UTC
I think if you use the "sex pollen" tag and make it clear which two characters are in the fic (using the ampersand tag), the reader will infer who is having sex and you don't need to use the pairing tag. If you're still concerned, and you're posting on AO3, you can use a free-form tag instead of the pairing tag to convey that they have sex?


musesfool February 16 2016, 02:58:15 UTC
the notes and the summary specifically say they're coerced into having sex, so it's definitely covered repeatedly, but I keep flipflopping on whether the pairing tag is necessary or the & tag will cover it, mostly because I keep talking to people who have different opinions. *hands*


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