"I love her. I love her mind. I love her shoes."

Feb 15, 2016 09:30

I've already come to terms with the idea that almost no one is going to read this story I'm currently writing, but now I'm stressing about tagging because despite my dreamy middle-of-the-night notion that I could use an ampersand, since it is definitely not a romance, I realized that I'm going to have to label it with a pairing tag even though I don't want to, because those characters do indeed have sex in the story, quite explicitly and onscreen (as it were), even though they are not in a sexual or romantic relationship with each other, and nor do they want to be, and in fact one of them is actually married to someone else.*

I find it's not the seriously dubious consent nor the underage nor even the inherent power imbalance that bothers me here, because they are all the things I'm interested in looking at with this story (and are in fact the story's raison d'etre); it's the labeling of it after the fact in order to not stress anyone else out about it that kept me from falling back to sleep this morning.

And wow, could those two sentences be any more convoluted?

*I'm not sure why I'm being so purposely opaque about it when I've already mentioned wanting to write gen Anakin/Ahsoka sex pollen fic where they have to deal with the fact that they were forced to have sex with each other despite not actually wanting to. Of course, in my original conception of the story, the sex was all offscreen. That changed in the writing. *hands* But this is basically the only way I feel like I can write this post.

In other news, after the Rangers won, I rewatched "The Supremes" in honor of Justice Scalia, and it was so enjoyable. Such a bright spot of an episode in the middle of a not very good season. *gesticulates wildly like Josh Lyman*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/818456.html.
people have commented there.

on archiving, tv: west wing, fangirl problems, writing is hard!

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