stop dreaming of the quiet life

Feb 14, 2016 09:36

As you may know, my apartment is unfortunately drafty (due to a wall-mounted air conditioner in the bedroom that is not properly sealed), so it is cold as fuck in here today. It was nice and toasty under the covers, but I can't spend all day in bed.

In order to avoid going out during this cold weather, I purchased a bottle of that premade Starbucks vanilla latte drink they sell in the supermarket (well, sometimes; I've only seen it rarely) and it costs $6 for 40oz, which is only a dollar more than my usual iced latte costs daily, so it seemed like a good deal. It is, of course, disgustingly sweet, but it gives me caffeine without having to go out into the frigid weather and also without having to deal with coffee grounds after cold brewing, so I'm calling it a win.

Yesterday, I caught up on all the Tuesday night tv I missed:

Brooklyn Nine Nine: The 9-8
While I laughed out loud A LOT at this episode, I kind of didn't like that Charles was right about Damon Wayans Jr being dirty. I mean, they tried to ameliorate it by having him admit that he'd be jealous even if DWJ hadn't been dirty, but it still felt too much like letting Charles be right because he's Charles.

The subplot about the rest of the squad being driven nuts by the guests was HILARIOUS though. Oh Amy, I get the allergy problem - I'm allergic to cats so I totally get it! - but lets not poison any dogs. It's not a good look on anybody.

So many great little moments in this one, though: Holt breaking the pipe! Rosa's imitation of Ellen! Hitchcock and Scully eating their burritos and spectating at the brawl! Hitchcock's hiss when he thought Terry was going to take away the microwave! Terry's rant about his special treat full fat Greek yogurt with honey. TERRY LOVES YOGURT. <333

The Flash: Welcome to Earth 2
HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AWESOME. I mean, I have some quibbles, which I will get to, but on the whole, I love canon alternate universe storylines and this was great. DETECTIVE IRIS. KILLER FROST. NERDY BARRY. (ZOMG HOW WAS NERDY BARRY SO HOT?) REVERB! CROONER JOE! MAYOR SNART! FAILY DEADSHOT! (I did not know he was even going to be in this episode so that was GREAT.)

But I have like 99 problems with this episode and all of them are our Barry! I will grant him the phone call with his mom, because that made me teary, but everything else, WHAT THE FUCK, BARRY? I really hope he gets called out for all of it: tazing his other self and then stealing his life, what the fuck? Also, how did Iris not figure out that he wasn't HER Barry? I mean, I loved how badass she was, but come on.

Also, no Barry, they are not your family! They are Earth 2 Barry's family and he should have been allowed to comfort his wife when she lost her father! (I really hope that they've got killing Joe out of their systems here, because I will not accept them killing off our Joe.)

I also think Wells should have said, "Welcome to MY earth" not Earth 2, not after he's been so vocal about our earth being Earth 2 to him. His utter fury at being saddled with Barry and Cisco at their most scattered/useless was HILARIOUS. WORLD'S ANGRIEST FIELD TRIP CHAPERONE.

Killer Frost was SO GREAT. And REVERB. Great name, terrible hairstyle choice. And then Cisco has to watch himself get killed again in the exact same way Reverse Flash killed him. ouch.

I'm not sure why non-meta Barry would have the JSA (I'm assuming, because of the police station mural - it's Liberty & Justice on Earth 1 like the JLU, and here it was a Free and Just Society, so I'm guessing JSA) on his speed-dial, but I might have squeed a little at seeing Bruce, Diana and Hal (well, I don't ever squee about Hal, but you know what I mean) on the phone.

Also, the retro-futuristic style of Earth 2 is so great. MONORAIL. Also, Supergirl is in another dimension! (Grant Gustin is guest starring on Supergirl at some point this spring, so that'll be neat!)

So I loved how fun and inventive this was, but Barry, seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?

Agent Carter: The Atomic Job
Poor Violet. I mean, I hate that tv shows immediately jump to "You're in love with her!" like that's the ultimate definitive statement and people don't have control of their actions and also that being really concerned about someone can't just be friendly, but like, THEY'RE NOT EVEN EXES, VIOLET. Though maybe Sousa should have said that. I realize this is a writing peeve, and it turns up all over, but ugh. You can have a crush on a co-worker and still love your fiancee and not cheat on them. I am just saying.


While it was hilarious to see Robert Wise in full on lech mode and Hayley Atwell doing her best honey pot, all I could think about was how that technology, in a few short years, was probably the basis of what they used on Bucky, and suddenly it was a lot less funny.

Whitney Frost is a great villain/foil for Peggy though. I admit, I was expecting her to creep up behind her husband while he was on the phone and strangle him, but I guess not.

♥ROSE♥ She should be in ALL the episodes! SO GREAT. And that hilarious power walk to Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters' "Pistol-Packing Mama!" I AM SO HERE FOR THAT SHIT.

Jarvis! "For the record, it's nothing like making a souffle." Oh Jarvis. ♥♥♥ I really hope that's not what kills him fifty years later. Meanwhile, where's ANA? Why tease us with her awesome and then withhold her?

Last night, I dreamt that Natasha was around in the 50s and she had ScarJo's current short haircut and she and Peggy were both dressed in really sharp men's suits as they tried to seduce each other in a Spy vs. Spy thing and it was super hot. Someone should write that for me.

iZombie: Physician, Heal Thy Selfie
Well shit is certainly getting realer and realer on this show. What a good episode of drawing all the disparate plots together where they're all related. That confrontation between Boss and Blaine was great. I feel like Liv and Major are going to have to team up with Blaine to take down Boss, and possibly DuClark too. I understand why Major is keeping things on the downlow but I wish he would tell Liv!

Ravi is the best. Can I have him? Also, I thought he'd figured out about Minor, but I guess not?

I also liked that Drake's story about fixing his mom's sink turned out to be true. And also how Clive is shown again and again to be a good detective who doesn't need Liv's visions, but they do help.

So that was a lot of highly enjoyable TV.


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tv: the flash, tv: agent carter, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, you should totally write that, dreams, tv: izombie, my life so hard

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