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Comments 10

tsuki_no_bara February 7 2016, 04:27:13 UTC
>>I think they should solve their differences by oiling up and wrestling naked while Liv watches.... )


musesfool February 7 2016, 17:40:16 UTC
i'm going to assume a dog person found minor and gave him the murder-and-drama--and-zombie-free life he deserves.

I hope so! Though first they'll have to suffer through a police investigation if Clive and Bozzio finally find him.

i could see it coming and kept willing her to not do it.

Right? I mean, aside from it being Blaine *shudders*, it's SO UNPROFESSIONAL. DON'T DO THAT.

couldn't figure out what her role was, other than to constantly remind viewers that she and bellamy were an item, but i liked her in this episode and was bummed when she was killed.

I figured she wasn't long for this world, but I didn't think it would happen so soon! I cared more about her as Raven's friend (RAVEN NEEDS ALL THE FRIENDS AND NICE THINGS) than Bellamy's girlfriend, though they did have that nice moment with the Iliad.


viridian5 February 7 2016, 04:51:25 UTC
While it would be amazing to have the whole cast trapped together in a tiny room, Hitchcock and Scully would never have gotten a chance to solve anything, partly from all the people involved and partly because of their longstanding and earned reputation for being useless or worse. I also appreciated that one of the talents they brought to the table was knowledge of Morse code, something that younger members of the precinct are much less likely to know.

(I was recently watching a documentary piece about a formerly forgotten fallout shelter in one of the bottom sections of the Brooklyn Bridge. Though they couldn't get permission to go in, they could peek in through a gap in the chained-together doors. They talked about conditions in a fallout shelter, and I realized that contemporary citizens might prefer death, and only partly from how the only food seen through the gap was concentrated, chemically-preserved, high-carb crackers.)

Three episodes in, Legends of Tomorrow is already showing that its stated mission of ending Vandal ( ... )


musesfool February 7 2016, 17:42:15 UTC
Hitchcock and Scully would never have gotten a chance to solve anything,

Oh, good point. I hadn't thought of that.

They talked about conditions in a fallout shelter, and I realized that contemporary citizens might prefer death, and only partly from how the only food seen through the gap was concentrated, chemically-preserved, high-carb crackers.

Hee! Isn't most survivalist food like that though? Or has it gotten healthier over the years?

It would have been hilarious if Savage had been an innocent priest and Hunter's attack was what started him down the villain slope.

Hilarious but also GREAT. I really wish they'd done that. As it is, they're never going to defeat him, because then there's no show, so it's always going to be annoying.


viridian5 February 8 2016, 05:58:46 UTC
For all I know it might've gotten healthier since then because there are a dismaying number of doomsday preppers and militia wingnuts into that stuff, though survivalist food at least has to be long-lasting, which means things in boxes and cans and rules out fresh stuff. Carbs might be useful since they can give you a bit of a mood boost, which would be necessary to live in a closed in space with chemical toilets, fear of what's going on outside, cabin fever, no natural light, no fresh food, no internet.... (And who knows if there are books I'd like, a TV with DVD player and DVDs I'd like.... *g*)

Our version of Legends of Tomorrow would be so much better! In the absence of that, I guess we'll see how deep a hole the plot digs itself into.


musesfool February 9 2016, 14:59:36 UTC
Personally, I would rather just perish in the apocalypse than have to eke out an existence afterwards.

Our version of Legends of Tomorrow would be so much better! In the absence of that, I guess we'll see how deep a hole the plot digs itself into.

Agreed. For now, it's a fine show for background noise while I catch up on Tumblr etc.


alethialia February 7 2016, 06:16:36 UTC
just have Caity Lotz, Wentworth Miller, and Dominic Purcell traveling through time, plotting heists and getting into bar brawls scored to 70s hits. Victor Garber can come along to be surprisingly resourceful.

I would totally watch it if this were the show!


It's so crazy, right?! Awesome crazy.

though why Mt. Weather had a self-destruct is beyond me.

Actually, this kinda makes sense. It's a military installation. They often have self-destructs in case they fall into enemy hands.

I also really liked Sinclair's pep talk to Raven, though of course now she won't be able to have that surgery. Raven's life is basically pain. *smishes her*

I heart Raven SO much! And yes, she deserves more than what she thinks she does.


musesfool February 7 2016, 17:48:12 UTC
For real, Raven needs ALL THE NICE THINGS. She's my favorite and it makes me sad to see her struggling.

Actually, this kinda makes sense. It's a military installation. They often have self-destructs in case they fall into enemy hands.

I guess I can accept that.


boofadil February 7 2016, 09:40:35 UTC
I would really like for the 100 to be the show that gives me a f/f relationship that I can love and point to and say THIS! This is amazing. But I can't. Lexa betrayed Clarke and her people, then kidnapped her, held her captive, manipulated her (she could have just taken it to Kane and Abby. They got on board really quickly) and makes her bow to her. Which would all be one thing if it was only about political expediency. But it's very much so about wooing Clarke as well and that's just...no. That maps perfectly onto the cycle of abuse. And if the show was presenting it as fucked up and gross but passionate and shit, I'd be able to deal with it, but they're obviously selling it as romantic and JRoth called what Lexa did at the end a sign of respect when all I saw was her doing what she needed to get what she wanted (Clarke as her ally AND in her bed ( ... )


musesfool February 7 2016, 17:51:20 UTC
Well, I think it is fucked up and being presented that way? But also pretty much all Lexa knows? Swearing fealty to Clarke isn't something she'd do lightly, and I do think she means it completely, though whether a private vow like that will be able to withstand public pressure on her as a leader, I don't know yet, as she's already broken one agreement with Clarke, though I also see why she did it. And of course, why Clarke is so angry and hurt at the betrayal. So I think it's a very interesting and layered approach to a difficult relationship, and one we don't usually get to see featuring two women.

I am delighted at how much I'm enjoying WM and DP in these rolls when I wasn't at all that into them on The Flash.

I found them - well Miller - delightful on The Flash, and I think they've figured out how to use Purcell. too bad the rest of the show isn't working as well.


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