there ain't no shade, there ain't no trees

Jan 27, 2016 12:00

What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond by Gene Kranz, which is an interesting look at the US space program from Mercury through Apollo. Still mind-blowing that they went to the moon with such rudimentary technology ( Read more... )

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, tv: agent carter, books, tv: brooklyn nine-nine

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Comments 7

kita0610 January 27 2016, 20:13:42 UTC
Because the first rule of Cloning Centers is you don't talk about Cloning Centers.


musesfool January 27 2016, 20:21:32 UTC
D'oh you're right. I forgot the first rule of Clone Club.


maveness January 27 2016, 20:57:36 UTC
Our edge of the weather down here in NC was ice for 2 inches, then a quarter inch of snow on top. We're in the 40s here, so it's melting, but my yard always has issues with precipitation, so it's just horrible puddles and meltiness. It's straight sogginess all winter long.


musesfool January 27 2016, 21:03:53 UTC
Now imagine almost 30" melting like that, and most of the ground being concrete and not able to absorb as much as dirt would. It's awful.


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musesfool January 29 2016, 17:24:55 UTC
I am guessing that he will get deeper into the conspiracy but ultimately will help out Peggy (aka do the right thing) in a way that gives him all the credit.

*nod nod*

I loved how they infiltrated because of COURSE they'd been trying to recruit Howard but also of COURSE he would bring a gaggle of women with him.

I also liked his remark that even Jarvis wasn't white enough for them - I guess I like the idea of Howard's secret Jewish origins and don't want canon to refute it.

And OMG Barry, buy a goddamn clue. DON'T TELL THE VINDICTIVE TIME TRAVELLER HOW TO HURT YOU THE MOST. And I really don't understand why, when he's been so careless about his identity in front of criminals, he's so worked up about Patty knowing

Ugh, it was all so stupid! And not knowing didn't protect her! A whole bunch of times! Just like not knowing didn't protect Iris. IT'S SO DUMB.


tsuki_no_bara January 28 2016, 03:53:44 UTC
jarvis is THE BEST. especially when he helps peggy. (i did kinda miss ana, tho.) ditto howard and wilkes getting their science on. howard can be such a cliche playboy, it's really nice to see him actually be a scientific genius. altho i agree with you that sometimes he need such a smack.

i kinda thought whitney was going to be another black widow, but i love that she's a scientific genius instead. she really does know more about zero matter than wilkes does.

i bet thompson does the right thing too. eventually. he'll no doubt take all the credit for it, but i bet he'll do it.


musesfool January 29 2016, 17:25:50 UTC
Jarvis & Peggy's partnership gives me LIFE. Though, yes, I'd like Ana to be their Q.

i bet thompson does the right thing too. eventually. he'll no doubt take all the credit for it, but i bet he'll do it.

*nod nod*

That does seem to be his M.O.


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