and by the way, genius, you ain't walking south

Jan 08, 2016 15:31

+ I feel much better today than I did for the rest of this week (possibly it warming back up over freezing helps?). I mean, I still have the annoying tickle in my throat and my nose/sinuses/everything is clogged up like crazy, but I don't have the malaise and achiness (and stomach trouble) that I had earlier. Possibly it's just because my period's ( Read more... )

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, comics: star wars: darth vader, books: star wars, books, comics: star wars

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Comments 2

the_dala January 8 2016, 23:20:56 UTC
Aww man, I love Tessa Dare. Her heroines have jobs!


musesfool January 11 2016, 19:59:06 UTC
They are a lot of fun!


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