and by the way, genius, you ain't walking south

Jan 08, 2016 15:31

+ I feel much better today than I did for the rest of this week (possibly it warming back up over freezing helps?). I mean, I still have the annoying tickle in my throat and my nose/sinuses/everything is clogged up like crazy, but I don't have the malaise and achiness (and stomach trouble) that I had earlier. Possibly it's just because my period's over. Having a cold and a period at the same time is just awful. Do not recommend.

+ Last night's party (that I organized, for values of organized that include "dealt with the caterer and put together the invitation list") went really well. People seemed to enjoy it and the guest of honor was pleased, so that was a win. Plus I talked sports with the sports dudes and Star Wars with my fellow nerds and drank a few glasses of wine, so it was all right.

+ I didn't get home until 8:30, so I ended up just reading until bedtime instead of doing anything online. Which reminds me that I did not do a Wednesday reading post this week, so here it is, on a Friday:

What I've just finished
A New Dawn: Star Wars by John Jackson Miller, which I liked much better once all the disparate POV characters came together. And also because that meant Hera was onscreen more often. ♥HERA♥ This is the backstory of how Hera and Kanan met (though not, surprisingly, how they became a couple).

Star Wars: Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka, with lovely art by Phil Noto.
(Man, I would pay money for Rucka and Noto to do a comic together, maybe Renee as the Question? I don't know, but it should exist. Maybe they should have done the Princess Leia comic. Now I'm sad that they didn't. Or, I know! A book about Ahsoka's adventures post-Order 66 but pre-Rebels!)

Anyway! This is three short stories about the three main characters of "The Force Awakens," and they're lovely. We learn why Finn doesn't have a nickname, how Poe became the best pilot in the Resistance (and how he's kind of mentored by Leia herself; also, I recommend the "Shattered Empire" comic, also by Rucka), and how Rey learned to fly. (I was braced for much worse heartbreak in Rey's story, so while it is sad, it's not as devastating as I was expecting. Thankfully.)

Star Wars & Darth Vader (whatever the issue #s are that wrap up Vader Down)
You know, I don't mind paying for comics with characters I enjoy having adventures being written in a way I enjoy, even though I know they are not going to have any impact whatsoever on canon, but I feel like this could have thrown me a bone re: Vader and Leia and it totally did nothing interesting with them at all. What is the point of the confrontation if not for one or the other of them to learn something about something? Anything? I was very disappointed in their interaction. Otoh, they've now got Aphra as a prisoner, so this could be fun.

Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare
I thought this was pretty hilarious and fun, and I was amused at about 98% of the fandom stuff, which I know turned some people off.

Say Yes to the Marquess by Tessa Dare
I did not love this one as much as Romancing the Duke (they are part of a series which has no continuity except that the heroines all have the same godfather, who bought each of them a castle to inherit upon his death), but for het romance novel sex, it was pretty steamy. And I stayed up until 11:30 to find out how the story would end despite wanting to go to bed at like, 9.

What I'm reading now
When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare, number 3 in the above series. This is a plot that should totally have fanfic for it - Madeline, painfully shy, makes up a hot Scottish captain who falls madly in love with her, and she writes to him for years, so she doesn't have to have a season or get married and can get on with her career as a naturalist illustrator. And then she inherits her castle and kills him off! But it turns out that the letters were delivered to a guy with the name she made up, and he needs a place to settle the remnants of his regiment after the war with Napoleon is over. So he shows up and threatens to blackmail her with the letters if she doesn't marry him. Of course, sparks fly, but they agree it will be a marriage in name only. That's about as far as I've gotten, but I'm enjoying it. Fanfic tropes for the win!

What I'm reading next
I'm basically biding my time until City of Blades comes out at the end of the month. I'm anticipating that greatly. So it'll probably be all easy romances for the next couple of weeks, unless the library comes up with something else.

At boss2's farewell lunch this afternoon (which was excellent - we went to Chinatown and ate a ton), we talked about having a reading group for The Power Broker, since a couple of us have never read it and it's not available as an ebook and it's huge. Maybe one day I'll suck it up and decide to schlep it around to read it (I own it in paperback and it's the size of a family bible, no lie), but I think it's more likely I'll just wait until there is an ebook version. Sigh.


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