if you're having girl problems, i feel bad for you, son

Jan 07, 2016 11:22

My cold, which had started to feel less awful, came roaring back yesterday, and the DayQuil upset my stomach so much that I think I felt worse having taken it than without it, despite the whole not being able to breathe thing. So I just took a Zyrtec today, which doesn't do much for my cough or congestion, but does give me rare moments of being able to breathe through my nose. If I didn't have boss2's farewell celebrations today (cocktail reception) and tomorrow (lunch), I might have called out sick, but meh. I think this will be a weekend of soup and sleeping in.

Even while feeling ishy, I wrote a story yesterday!

Old Soldiers (at AO3)
Star Wars; Finn, Rex; g; spoilers for SWTFA; 820 words
"I heard about the stormtrooper who defected, and I had to see for myself."

I know he's probably dead (and probably not of old age *sobs*) but I have a feeling Rex would be a great mentor for Finn. (As I said to someone yesterday, I kind of don't want Rex to ever find out Vader's identity? It hurts enough that Ahsoka knows, and that he's probably going to kill her, but he's probably going to kill Rex too, and ugh. Everything is terrible and it all ends in pain.)

Other random Star Wars thoughts: on theories about Rey's parentage:
The thing is, they could make her a Kenobi - I would absolutely buy a sekrit Obi-Wan/Satine baby who grew up and had a baby of her own, who was Force-sensitive and therefore hidden away on Jakku (I would like this best if Luke were still Rey's father, though, because then it's BOTH Anakin and Obi-Wan's grandkid and the idea of them as grandpa Force!ghosts together is hilarious to me. Someone should write that.). (I mean, in my personal headcanon, I think Obi-Wan got around a lot before his exile on Tatooine, so it doesn't even have to be Satine's baby, but that is the simplest route based on currently existing canon, though I suppose they could bring in Siri Tachi from the EU as well.)

BUT. That requires a lot more explanation IN THE MOVIES than the idea of her being a Skywalker. Like, not everyone who sees the movies watched "The Clone Wars," so suddenly, Obi-Wan, Mr. Apparently Perfect Jedi, has a sekrit kid! Which leaves a lot of your audience going, to quote "Hamilton": "Yo, who the eff is this?" That's a lot of story real estate to cover in a movie that is relentlessly moving forward so giant starbases can be blown up. (Otoh, I love how human and fallible Obi-Wan really is, despite his facade as Mr. Perfect, and I do ship him and Satine pretty hard.)

I dunno. I understand that people are tired of bloodlines being destiny and also of chosen ones etc. (I am also tired of of those tropes) but in this existing property, the story has always been about the Skywalker family. "The Clone Wars" expanded out and did a great job of showing lots of other stories, and "Rebels" has introduced a bunch of other characters to follow as well, but the movies? I still think the movies are going to come down to Skywalkers, and also I don't think Kylo Ren should be the last scion of that family. That's just unfortunate. So while intellectually I can entertain other theories of Rey's parentage, my heart wants her to be a Skywalker.

I would also really like Ahsoka to show up in a movie. Ugh, I know she's probably not making it out of "Rebels" alive (though I have a theory as to how she could, and I am trying to write that story with sadly limited success so far, since it requires some action scenes) but a fangirl can dream.

In other news, I really enjoyed this week's Brookyn Nine-Nine: Hostage Situation. Though if I never ever hear Boyle say "Boyle oil" again it will be TOO SOON. *shudders* But I laughed a lot.

And then there's Steven Universe! So that was a cliffhanger, right? It seemed like it stopped with Steven noticing Peridot taking the diamond thinger, instead of coming to a conclusion - I don't think there were even any end credits on my recording? But oh my gosh, Steven! Singing! And Peridot! Singing! And that totally freakish map of the world. There's a giant hole in the middle of Russia! West Africa is part of South America! And the earth as a Gem colony! Good god, that is terrifying.

I haven't kept abreast of the latest theories, but I did see one in
kate_nepveu's comments that suggested that the Diamonds are cross-gem fusions, which is why it was so forbidden (and why Garnet was a pariah) because it seems like they have extra arms? And it would allow for Rose Quartz to have been Pink Diamond without actually having to change her gem? It works for me, anyway. I guess we'll see!

Lion definitely earned its nap though. I love Lion.

And somehow I still don't have a Steven Universe icon. Huh.


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people have commented there.

tv: steven universe, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, movies: star wars

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