and your earth moves beneath your own dream landscape

Aug 14, 2014 13:15

I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I did end up baking a lemon cake (pic) to replace the moldy crumb cake for the rest of the week. And zomg, this cake is AMAZING. Easy to make and highly recommended, and if you have nut allergies, you could probably just use cake flour for the whole thing, or replace the almond meal with corn meal, though that' ( Read more... )

books, adventures in cooking, my flist knows everything, my life so hard

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Comments 3

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musesfool August 15 2014, 14:41:28 UTC
I'm not really stats conscious, but since I got the iPad, I've been doing way better at reading more than 50 books a year, and now I feel like adding rereads would inflate things, but they should count because they're books and I read them (again). I might just add a reread-year tag, so I can add them in myself but they won't show on the GR stats.


elizardbits August 15 2014, 02:27:38 UTC
UGH APARTMENT WOES. When the lease runs out on this place it will ideally coincide with my job running out of money and letting everyone go, so I will probably get a place all the way up in Inwood or something to prepare for my glorious move abroad.

i'm so tired of paying 45k/yr in rent, jesus christ


musesfool August 15 2014, 14:49:34 UTC
I only pay half that a year and it's still too much. I'd never really expected to be able to own something but then I realized that with the money from the house, I could take a mortgage + monthly maintenance fee that would be a couple hundred less than the rent I'm paying now. Not in Manhattan, of course (well, there was one place in Inwood!) but I'm okay with Queens, I guess, as long as it's a nice neighborhood.


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