and your earth moves beneath your own dream landscape

Aug 14, 2014 13:15

I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I did end up baking a lemon cake (pic) to replace the moldy crumb cake for the rest of the week. And zomg, this cake is AMAZING. Easy to make and highly recommended, and if you have nut allergies, you could probably just use cake flour for the whole thing, or replace the almond meal with corn meal, though that'd make it grittier in texture. Right now it has a tight, tender crumb and is really delicious.


Mean Super needs to bring in some HVAC guy to replace some valves in the radiators or something, but there is no way I'm letting anyone in my apartment until it's been straightened up a little. I won't say clean because the odds of that happening are basically none, but I at least want to vacuum and throw all the (clean) clothes piled up in the living room into the bedroom.

If you've been reading my journal for any period of time, you know how much I've loved living in my apartment, but it's been 12 years now and the relationship has soured - probably it began around this time in 2012, with the bathroom ceiling collapsing and the subsequent bug infestation that took months to get fixed, then last year's bullshit rent dispute, and then how uncomfortably drafty it was last winter when I really needed it to be warm and snug kinda drove the final nail into the coffin. I really wanted to be out before another winter rolled around.

Obviously, timing and money meant that didn't happen, but I keep imagining myself in a new place, with a kitchen that has counter space (and all the things I can make when I have the space to do so, and the fact that I can have people over and they'd have somewhere to sit and eat!) and possibly a washer/dryer in the unit so I can do laundry any time. And the savings from having a smaller monthly payment could go to having a cleaning service once a month.

That's the vision that's keeping me going right now, anyway. But it means that currently my living space is a disaster area and having to clean it up to let someone in to do repairs horrifies me. I guess I'll just avoid until I can straighten it up tomorrow after work/Saturday morning.


I did do some housekeeping on my goodreads account this morning, though. I finally learned how to move the abandoned books off the read shelf (and I renamed it from "abandoned" to "did-not-finish") and now I'm trying to figure out if I should add rereads - I feel like my 2014 read total is so low (only 33!) not just because I read a bunch of big non-fiction military histories that took longer than usual, but also because I reread a bunch of stuff. (I mean, the total is super high in 2011 because I read a lot of comics trades that year, but even without that, I should be able to hit 100 a year. I did it last year and almost did it in 2012.)

I dunno, should rereads count? Should I bother to do an update? I have a reread tag over there, but that's for books I never listed that I've reread. Which has only happened once or twice, but still...


We're having an ice cream social at work this afternoon. Free ice cream is the best!


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