you simply cannot hide from the ugly truth

Aug 15, 2014 10:27

Last night, I finished s1 of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Wow, they really went all out on crazy serial killer motivations, didn't they? But it still worked because I was SO TENSE about what Foyle was going to do to Jane, and that scene where Phryne comes home to find all the adults paralyzed and Jane gone was super intense.

Plus, so many great character moments for everyone. Dot holding the gun on Hugh! Basically everything about Dot and Hugh. Dr. Mac! Mr. Butler and the hash brownies! JACK GOING FOR A DIVORCE. Ugh, just make out already!

Basically, I love everybody on this show but especially Phryne and Dot and Phryne's wardrobe and her little gold gun. There's occasionally cringeworthy stuff, but no more so than any other show, and given that in addition to Phryne and Dot as main characters and Dr. Mac and Aunt Prudence recurring, the cases often involve ladies in many varieties being fantastic in any number of ways. Plus, did I mention Phryne's wardrobe? Sweet jebus, it's amazing. Anyone know where I can find some icons?

On to season 2!

And speaking of awesome ladies, last night, I read through Joss Whedon's leaked Wonder Woman script (note: I don't know if it's legit, but it's extremely Whedonesque so I believe it could be the real thing.) Thanks to
giandujakiss for the link!

As I said, it's extremely Whedonesque, so if you're familiar with his work, you won't find much in the way of actual surprises in terms of character types or plot twists, and if you find his work annoying, you probably wouldn't enjoy it. But I thought it would have been a good, fun movie, depending on casting.

The issue, of course, is that the Diana in it is a young woman meeting the modern world for the first time, and Joss would have wanted to cast one of his waifish brunettes (I know he threw around Morena Baccarin's name, and while she's beautiful and can act, she's no Amazon), which just wouldn't work for Diana. I also didn't really love the romance with Steve Trevor, mostly because I never shipped them - I ship her with Batman, come on! - but also because for some reason I was picturing Dark Angel-era Michael Weatherly in the role, and ugh, so smarmy and douchey. Also, he's the first man she ever met! (otoh, there's another dude in the script, who is kind of the Xander/Wash/Topher of the group, and in my head he was played by the dude who played Riley Poole in National Treasure.)

I don't know why DC/WB passed on it, but I imagine it was some combination of "Joss Who?" + "lady superheroes don't make money" + "this movie is too hopeful and fun for us! We want to be all grimdark, all the time!" (even though it was two years before Batman Begins came out.) And I feel that just as much as Superman, you can't make Wonder Woman grimdark, because it defeats the purpose of the character. I won't rant about Man of Steel again, but I still feel like that movie completely missed the point of Superman, and that is why I have no expectation of the next movie being any good. (I am also tremendously amused that WB moved it away from going head to head with Cap 3. Ha. No, you move.) Joss's script seemed to get Diana, anyway, which is the most important thing.


Lastly, for those of you who are interested, AV Club is doing BSG on TV Club Classic. Apparently they only recapped the last season? So they're gonna do the rest of it now. Some interesting discussion in the comments, but as always, be wary!


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joss, wonder woman, tv: miss fisher's murder mysteries, tv: bsg

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