when they decided they would try to make it on their own

Jun 11, 2014 11:12

Apparently yesterday was the 20th anniversary (!!!) of Speed being released: Still Traveling At 50 MPH 20 Years Later: Why 'Speed' Was The Pinnacle Of '90s Action Movies, and also an interview with Joss Whedon about how he rewrote the script but had the credit taken away from him by the WGA.

Guys, I can't even tell you how much I love Speed. I ( Read more... )

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, amelia peabody, books, movies

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Comments 14

Pop quiz! stgulik June 11 2014, 16:02:29 UTC
Speed, Matrix, Die Hard? We are going to get along! Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie; I make the family watch every year.


Re: Pop quiz! musesfool June 11 2014, 17:13:32 UTC
Die Hard is the best Christmas movie! Now I have a machine gun, ho ho ho!


Re: Pop quiz! stgulik June 11 2014, 17:19:16 UTC
You'll have to forgive Ellis. He gets very depressed this time of year. He thought *he* was God's greatest gift, you know?


Re: Pop quiz! musesfool June 12 2014, 15:08:23 UTC


tavella June 11 2014, 16:07:02 UTC
I rewatched Speed a couple of years ago, and it really holds together as a propulsive, clean-lined action movie that still had characters that didn't feel cardboard. You don't get a lot about the leads' history, but they still have a human feel.


musesfool June 11 2014, 17:14:07 UTC
It really does - I bought the DVD a couple years ago to watch it as well. I might have to watch it again this weekend.


profshallowness June 12 2014, 06:46:01 UTC
I think that The Lake House banked on everyone shipping Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock because of this movie.

Twenty years...phew. It really wouldn't be any hardship to rewatch this in celebration.


musesfool June 12 2014, 15:07:47 UTC
Oh, man, I forgot about The Lake House, but that is totally why my sister and I went to see it.


starfishchick June 12 2014, 10:47:37 UTC

Also, go Rangers!


musesfool June 12 2014, 15:08:03 UTC
Yay! To both of those items!


redfiona99 June 14 2014, 14:06:35 UTC
Is Last Camel the one where they find Sienna? Whose name might not be that, but definitely begins with S.

I'm also glad I'm not the only one that doesn't like Deeds of the Disturber.


musesfool June 14 2014, 21:25:08 UTC
No, Last Camel is the one where they find Nefret. Sennia is in Falcon at the Portal, which is the one I have such issues with.


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