and this was called history

Apr 09, 2014 11:32

Actually got a good night's sleep last night. It's amazing how much better that makes me feel.

Item the first: today's poem:

The Futureby Billy Collins ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2014, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, poetry, books, tv: shield, this is captain america calling, books: discworld

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Comments 8

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musesfool April 10 2014, 15:05:59 UTC
I immediately assumed that Ward was going undercover to infiltrate HYDRA, the triple-agent theory, and I dismissed him genuinely being a bad guy. That was my instinctive reaction.Well, it would go along with the show's inability to make really hard choices for its characters. Otoh, he did kill Brad Dourif in cold blood, and it looks like he shot Hand's team (there is argument on the internet about whether she is dead dead or just iced), so I'm not sure I feel like him being a triple agent is actually better? (This actually also goes along with the question of whether the movie really went far enough, because is SHIELD any better than HYDRA etc.) I feel like Coulson saying use the night night gun for HYDRA but shooting those two security guards at that medical facility makes him a hypocrite, too. *hands ( ... )


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viridian5 April 11 2014, 06:46:54 UTC
If they started the show that early in the hope of making the audience really care about these characters before the plots posited moles and betrayals within the team, they failed miserably in my case and in many of my friends' cases.


writingpathways April 11 2014, 01:06:07 UTC
I am seriously hoping Ward is Hydra and it won't be taken back in anyway.


musesfool April 11 2014, 20:12:45 UTC
You and me both, but I don't trust the show at all to do that.


prunesquallormd April 14 2014, 18:29:36 UTC
Pratchett's work started out as parody and became something like satire, maybe. Though that's putting it a bit simply, perhaps. At his best he's warm, compassionate, incisive, brilliant, and hilarious. I'll always love him.


musesfool April 21 2014, 20:27:53 UTC
Yeah, it definitely becomes satire with some smart social critique in. But the first two books were rough, in comparison with what comes later.


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