I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died

Mar 21, 2014 13:30

Work, please stop interrupting my effusive, ebullient, EMOTIONAL ramblings about Captain America: The Winter Soldier! I woke up TWO HOURS EARLY this morning BECAUSE I COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT (hence the super early post from earlier). So uh, there is a lot of flaily capslock under the cut that nobody else is going to be able to enjoy until ( Read more... )

otp: it'll be fun, otp: not without you, avengers assemble, this is captain america calling, epic tragic century long love story, movies

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Comments 16

anderyn March 21 2014, 19:26:28 UTC
So I read this all today, because I need my spoilers before I see any movies, and it sounds as good as I was hoping for. Hurrah! I am glad for that.

Though I admit to sneakily liking "Agents of Shield" for Coulson and May, and the scientists..... because I do.


musesfool March 22 2014, 04:25:29 UTC
It's so good! I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


prunesquallormd March 24 2014, 19:24:59 UTC
Totally avoiding reading this because I'm spoiler allergic but I can't help thinking that the sheer quantity of caps-lock is a GOOD SIGN ;)


musesfool March 25 2014, 17:53:35 UTC
I really enjoyed it. I hope other people do too.


lanyon March 25 2014, 21:32:57 UTC
i loved the movie, so so so so so much. seeing it again tomorrow and my emotions are just all over the place. how amazing is it? :D


musesfool March 25 2014, 22:33:31 UTC
Ugh, wasn't it amazing? I wish I could see it again tomorrow. I have to wait until a week from Thursday! But I want to see it over and over again, and I want all the fic about Bucky and Natasha's intersecting self-discovery road trips and Steve and Sam tracking them, and Bucky reading up on Steve and the Commandos at the library to see if he remembers that stuff and just everything!


ngaio March 27 2014, 08:50:27 UTC
Such a good movie! I mean, nothng will beat Avengers which was pretty much the perfect superhero movie, but this wasn't a superhero movie as such and was Wonderful ( ... )


musesfool March 29 2014, 22:02:13 UTC
I think it might even be better than Avengers, if only because it was much more intensely emotional for me. The emotional hook in Avengers is Thor's story, and I love Thor, and I feel terrible for him that his brother is such a genocidal dick, but it doesn't give me the same kind of emotional response that Steve and Bucky do.

I do feel for having the tag 'The Winter Soldier' there was surprisingly little Winter Soldier in the film

He wasn't in it much, but I thought his absence/presence loomed large over it, especially knowing who he was while Steve didn't. Also, that final post credits scene! MY HEART.

We were talking about the Natasha and Bucky backstory (because they gave a date of birth for her too) and figured it'd probably be really easy to retcon that to the Red Room if you wanted just because of the memory wipe thing. But at the same time it does make the possibility of a Black Widow movie harder if that was the story they were going to tell.Yeah, though I think they could also do a Natasha v. Yelena Black Widow movie, or ( ... )


profshallowness April 2 2014, 06:47:10 UTC
Starting with last first, yes, I am glad there'll be icons of more than the trailers soon, because I loved it and totally need to watch it again. Like you've done in this post, a lot of people have been pointing out things that I missed out on, while I was busy having Steve and Natasha Feelings.


Yes, absolutely. I am heartened that the general (non Natasha fangirls) response is expecting one, and I would love to see a film with the opening you set out.

thematically it's all about trust and identity - knowing who you are, trusting other people, how knowing who you are - and who they are (or were) - allows you to trust them. THIS - better unpacked than I managed.

ABED, I mean, Danny Pudi has a cameo! I'm guessing that was a favor from the Russos. I KNOW. I am already looking forward to more Community cameos in Cap 3, please ( ... )


musesfool April 4 2014, 16:25:20 UTC
Oh, man, SO MANY STEVE AND NATASHA FEELINGS. He wants to be her friend! He trusts her with his life! She wants him to be happy!

I am heartened that the general (non Natasha fangirls) response is expecting one,

I really hope so. I think it's bullshit we haven't had one already, but after this setup, they'd be really dumb not to.

On the Winter Soldier's backstory and his possible interaction with Natasha, I definitely think there's room for them to go back and say that there was more. Here the focus was on HYDRA and SHIELD, but I don't think they closed any doors.

Yeah, the 1984 birthday could be a lie or misdirection or when she became Natasha Romanoff - maybe she was someone else before.


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