let the wind take all that's left

Dec 01, 2013 15:26

I made cannoli ice cream this morning and then my dad and I ate it for breakfast. SO GOOD. I didn't have pistachios, so I just put in mini chocolate chips, and I had to substitute amaretto for Grand Marnier, but still, DELICIOUS. I RECOMMEND ( Read more... )

monthly writing roundup, life, memes: fannish, tv: west wing, top 5 songs, memes: 31 days of december

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Comments 4

kita0610 December 1 2013, 21:36:08 UTC
I think it's okay to cry while lighting the candle.


musesfool December 1 2013, 22:22:18 UTC


prunesquallormd December 2 2013, 20:43:29 UTC
The first Christmas after the death of a loved one is hard.
I'm not sure that making yourself not cry when you need to is necessarily a good thing. Do whatever it takes to get through it.

CJ is amazing.
I really need to watch the West Wing from the beginning.


musesfool December 3 2013, 14:56:09 UTC

I teared up a little but I didn't cry, which is good, because there was dinner waiting!

The first two seasons of West Wing are the best, imo, though I enjoyed the rest of the show a lot, too.


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