let the wind take all that's left

Dec 01, 2013 15:26

I made cannoli ice cream this morning and then my dad and I ate it for breakfast. SO GOOD. I didn't have pistachios, so I just put in mini chocolate chips, and I had to substitute amaretto for Grand Marnier, but still, DELICIOUS. I RECOMMEND.

I might be adding it to the list of Christmas ice creams, though it didn't really make much, and I don't really have time for something that only makes enough to give away one pint. Hmm...

I kind of can't believe it's December already; November went down the same drain October did. I feel like I was doing all right in September and then I wasn't. Obviously.

Today is also the first Sunday of Advent, which meant yesterday while we were out grocery shopping, I ran into the card store to buy Advent candles, and then my dad and I realized that neither of us knew the prayer my mother said every week when she lit the candles. I...did not expect that to make me cry. I think that's the hardest/weirdest part - Thanksgiving was a little strange but it didn't upset me, but this sort of thing, where I realize there's things I should have/meant to ask and didn't... Yeah.

Anyway, Mr. Google tells me it's a novena to St. Andrew (feast day: 11/30) so here it is for future reference: Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my petitions, through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

So tonight before dinner, I'll light the candle and say the prayer and hope I don't cry.


Day one of this meme I posted yesterday (there are still days left if you are interested!):

12/1: Favorite CJ Cregg moments for

Oh man, this is hard because CJ is who I would like to grow up to be. She is the most awesome (often in spite of what the show does with her, because Allison Janney is that awesome). So here are some of my favorite CJ moments, in no particular order:

= when Danny gives her Gail the goldfish and she laughs and is like, "I like the crackers!" but Gail stays on her desk for the rest of the show, often with decor related to the episode's themes

= her storyline in "Noel," with the painting and the Holocaust survivor, because she pursues the story and also because of her interaction with Bernard

= the turkeys

= her briefing during "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen:" "There were 36 homicides last night. 480 sexual assaults. 3411 robberies. 3685 aggravated assaults, all at gun point. And if anyone thinks those crimes could have been prevented if the victims themselves had been carrying guns, I only remind you that the President of the United States was shot last night while surrounded by the best-trained armed guards in the history of the world."

= Celestial Navigation! Woot canaw! You get hostaw!

= The Jackal! Not because it's an awesome lip sync routine but because you can tell this is something that became enshrined as a silly relaxation moment on a very long campaign trail and that's why you don't talk to Leo during "The Jackal."

= "I've got the ancient curse of Bast on me, sparky, so back off!"

= when she's right about the bump in the poll numbers, even though Leo doesn't want to give her credit for it

= "Learning is delightful and delicious, as am I." Also, "I'm good in bed!" and "You want to make out with me, don't you?"

= Sam: There are bathrobes at the gym?
CJ: In the women's locker room.
Sam: But not the men's.
CJ: Yeah.
Sam: Now, that's outrageous. There's a thousand men working here and 50 women.
CJ: Yeah, and it's the *bathrobes* that's outrageous.

= Giving Donna career advice in s5

= her prank war with Charlie

= "It's wine. You'll drink it."

= drinking with Amy, Donna, and the First Lady in "Dead Irish Writers"

= When she takes away Sherri Wexler's press pass

= Her monologue in "Galileo" might just be my very favorite, though: "We have at our disposal a captive audience of schoolchildren. Some of them don't go to the blackboard or raise their hand 'cause they think they're going to be wrong. I think you should say to these kids, 'You think you get it wrong sometimes, you should come down here and see how the big boys do it.' I think you should tell them you haven't given up hope and that it may turn up, but, in the meantime, you want NASA to put its best people in a room and you want them to start building Galileo 6. Some of them will laugh and most of them won't care but for some, they might honestly see that it's about going to the blackboard and raising your hand. And that's the broader theme."



I guess it's also monthly roundup time:

Top 5 songs - November 2013

Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
Old Haunts - Gaslight Anthem
Bedroom Hymns - Florence + the Machine
Miss Moneypenny - Placebo
Alphabet of Hurricanes - Tom McRae


November 2013 Writing Roundup

The doorway to a thousand churches (@ AO3)
Avengers; Steve/Bucky; adult; 2,765 words
Steve is going to remember who Bucky is, even when Bucky can't remember himself. Especially when he can't remember himself.

Like moths who've found our flames (@ AO3)
Avengers; Steve/Bucky/Natasha (Steve/Tony, Tony/Pepper); adult; au; 5,720 words
In which Steve is a kept man, Bucky's hiding from the Russian mob, and Natasha does what she likes. An AU loosely based on Breakfast at Tiffany's.


Now I have to go throw in a load of laundry.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/619701.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, life, memes: fannish, tv: west wing, top 5 songs, memes: 31 days of december

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