it's not that she walked away

Jun 25, 2013 15:50

So Teen Wolf. ( spoilers )

tv: west wing, tv: teen wolf

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Comments 12

lls_mutant June 25 2013, 21:00:46 UTC
I think what I didn't like about Josh/Amy was that they really do bring out the worst in each other in a very real way. There's something very real to me about they way they depict fights- one of the most vivid memories I have of that pair is their fight during the Hallelujah sequence, and it just doesn't feel like two actors- it really feels like two people fighting. There isn't as much witty banter in some of their fights- it's two people hurting each other sometimes. Which, more power to the actors themselves, but it makes it very uncomfortable to watch. I do think Amy was a necessary part of Josh's development- he needed a relationship to truly crash and burn before he could figure a few things out (and his relationship with Mandy didn't provide that enough), but yeah. And I think since Josh is the POV character, it does reflect more harshly on Amy ( ... )


musesfool June 26 2013, 15:47:17 UTC
I think what I didn't like about Josh/Amy was that they really do bring out the worst in each other in a very real way. There's something very real to me about they way they depict fights

*nod nod*

That's it exactly. I mean, I have other issues with Amy that are part and parcel of Sorkin's lady-writing troubles, but who she and Josh became when they were together was really unpalatable to me.


lembeau June 25 2013, 21:29:14 UTC
TW: I'm calling it the I am evil, hear me roar monologue. It was hilarious and a wee bit scary? His intent not the words, the words were melodramatic. And the improbably timed lightning. Why was there lightning, I do not know ( ... )


musesfool June 26 2013, 16:19:47 UTC
I think it might have been more OTT than Gerard's MOUNTAIN ASH in the s2 finale, and I thought that would never be outdone for ridiculous scenery-chewing.

Are these characters physically incapable of normally communicating pertinent info with one another?

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Though I think it's more that the writers do this for ~DRAMA~ but it just comes off really irritating since if they just talked to each other, some of their problems would be ameliorated.


sienamystic June 26 2013, 03:32:00 UTC
According to A03, their email system is being flaky and emails are going out late. I got my usual overnight kudos list (a grand total of two! Tee hee, I am a fandom minnow) at about eight this evening.


musesfool June 26 2013, 16:20:31 UTC
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't receive one at all yesterday, but there was a new one tucked in my inbox this morning, so I guess that's all right.


moetushie June 26 2013, 03:47:43 UTC
Right? I didn't realize how much I've come to depend on the kudos email in the morning (it gives me a little spring in my step as I get ready for the day) and then it wasn't there and I felt terrrrible.

And when it finally did come at 4:55, the day was already a total wash, it couldn't have been saved. :'(


musesfool June 26 2013, 16:21:11 UTC
I didn't get one at all yesterday *sadhair* but there was one this morning when I looked at my email on the bus.


reddwarfer June 26 2013, 08:48:23 UTC
That Demon Wolf speech had me in stitches laughing my ass off.


musesfool June 26 2013, 16:23:52 UTC
You know, I know the show is a horror-comedy, but sometimes I'm not sure the comedy is actually intentional? Which is to say, yes, that was hilariously OTT, but I'm not sure it was supposed to evoke that response.


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