it's not that she walked away

Jun 25, 2013 15:50

So Teen Wolf. There was some good stuff in this episode - Deaton and Stiles, Allison, Scott, and Isaac, Stiles and Lydia and the dead baby day rant, but oh my god I cannot with the I AM THE DEMON WOLF thing. Just. No. Also, they are totally not doing well with the returned from the dead baby sister thing. I am just saying.

I've reached season 4 in my West Wing rewatch and I forgot how great "20 Hours in America" is. Damn, what a good episode.

I hoped this time around I would hate Amy Gardner less, but nope. Still hate her and how Josh is with her, and ugh. Why is it so terrible? Even with all his weird sexism, Sorkin is perfectly capable of creating ladies I like and even love - CJ, Donna, Ainsley, Abbey, Margaret, Mrs. Landingham, Nancy McNally, Zoey, Gina Toscano, Andi Wyatt, Debbie Fiderer, Mallory, Jordan Kendall, Joey Lucas, Kate Harper - and I mostly agree with the stuff Amy says, and I like Mary Louise Parker, but I just can't with Amy, and I don't think it's just because I ship Josh/Donna. I ship CJ/Toby and I like Andi and Danny just fine. I like Josh/Joey and Josh/Sam. so I don't think it's that? I think the scene that turned me against her irrevocably is the one where she drops Josh's cell phone into the stew and then cuts the cord while he's trying to use the landline. Just. WHO DOES THAT? It's not quirky or funny or cute. It's completely unprofessional and immature and ugh. I just want her to go away and stay away now.

Other than that, though, I've been enjoying it.

In other news, I was sad this morning since for the first time since AO3 instituted daily kudos emails, I did not get a kudos email. Sigh. *sadhair*


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tv: west wing, tv: teen wolf

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