like a harley in heat

May 04, 2013 22:55

So I got back from seeing Iron Man 3 a little bit ago, and outside the cut I can say I really liked it a lot. And it is about 1000x better than the awful mess that was IM2. I mean, I don't even own IM2 on DVD and have no intention of ever owning it, because it's a terrible movie, but I want to see IM3 a bunch more (I won't, because of money, but I' ( Read more... )

movies: iron man, avengers assemble, movies

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Comments 25

spectralbovine May 5 2013, 03:58:19 UTC
I don't even own IM2 on DVD and have no intention of ever owning it, because it's a terrible movie
Hee. It's funny how much people hate it. I thought it was okay but a disappointment after the first one.

Not that she needs superpowers to be fucking AWESOME but it'd be nice if she did.
Yeah, I think Tony depowered her completely, which I would prefer because I like my badass normals to stay normal. Usually.

That was some grade-A trolling, Marvel. I approve!

Rhodey! I loved Rhodey here! "WARMACHINEROX" oh honey. I love that he and Tony got to do a lot of fighting stuff without their suits on.
Yeah, Rhodey was a lot of fun. "You breathe fire??"

Tony learning that he IS Iron Man - he IS a hero - even without his toys.
I loved how Shane Black took the last line of the first movie and made it mean something else. Way to tie the trilogy together, dude.

As an aside, it was hard to watch that Malibu house get destroyed. I know the exterior was mostly CG, but it was a gorgeous house.My question was...did he really need to give the ( ... )


musesfool May 6 2013, 14:59:29 UTC
Yeah, I think Tony depowered her completely, which I would prefer because I like my badass normals to stay normal. Usually.

aw, I dunno. If he just stabilized Extremis, it would mean he wouldn't have to worry so much about her getting kidnapped while he was off with the Avengers or going into space or whatever.

I loved how Shane Black took the last line of the first movie and made it mean something else. Way to tie the trilogy together, dude.

Yes! Such a good way to end Tony's arc, by bringing it back around full circle except having it mean something different.

My question was...did he really need to give the Mandarin-or the press-his address? Who did they think lived there?

Heh. I think that was just grandstanding? But yeah, I mean, it's not like everyone doesn't already know that's Tony Stark's house.

I went to a Thursday night showing, so the audience was hardcore, and still there were like a dozen people who got up and left.Maybe they really needed the bathroom? That's the only reason I can see to leave before the post- ( ... )


spectralbovine May 6 2013, 15:07:39 UTC
I think he was originally trying to cover up that Extemis was still unstable so he could sell it. Like, the soldiers exploding weren't actually attacks - they were accidents, but he was using Trevor/the Mandarin to spin them as terrorist attacks so that he could then convince the govt to buy Extremis or contract out to him and his army of Extremis enhanced operatives?
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Well, that's one way to do damage control.


musesfool May 6 2013, 16:00:35 UTC
Comics, everybody! *g*


(The comment has been removed)

musesfool May 6 2013, 15:00:25 UTC
Glad to help!


digitalwave May 5 2013, 06:11:20 UTC
I loved it, every minute of it! I had visions of all the great fic that will come out of this movie even as I sat watching it unfold. :)


musesfool May 6 2013, 15:01:51 UTC
It makes me want ALL the Tony/Pepper where now SHE'S the superhero and he's basically her Oracle until something comes around that needs him to suit up as well.


digitalwave May 6 2013, 16:51:59 UTC
I loved her being Rescue in the comics. I really wish they'd go that way in the movies, too. :)


musesfool May 7 2013, 15:00:54 UTC
Well, if she has superpowers now, anything could happen!


boofadil May 5 2013, 07:54:54 UTC
Wasn't it just so much fun?! I ended up loving the twist with the Mandarin and BK did an amazing job there.

Pepper is awesome and amazing and I can see the powers going either way.

Someone somewhere said that this really felt like it tied up the RDJ run of Iron Man well and it did, but I really don't want it to end here. Which is weird because the IM movies haven't been my favorites of the MCU films but it just seems sad that there might not be another one in the future (even if RDJ does stay on for another Avengers movie or two).


musesfool May 6 2013, 15:05:02 UTC
Pepper is the BEST. I will hear no words against her.

I don't feel like there needs to be more Iron Man movies, mostly because unless they were going to deal with Pepper dealing her new powers, there's nowhere to take Tony that's really interesting in terms of his own arc - they'd have to regress him pretty seriously to bring in more personal conflict etc. I mean, I suppose they could have him be mostly retired from solo superheroing and have to face, like, Ezekiel(?) Stane or something in a vendetta about killing his father, but I don't feel like there needs to be more about Tony qua Tony. Tony + Avengers, yeah. Mostly, I'd like a Carol Danvers movie that uses Rhodey (and maybe Steve) with Tony in a cameo capacity.


ext_899376 May 5 2013, 13:35:03 UTC
I loved this one! It is by far my fave Iron Man movie. It never occurred to me to worry that they might kill Pepper though. Huh.

Which, of course, is the whole heart of the movie: Tony learning that he IS Iron Man - he IS a hero - even without his toys. He has his brain and he has people he can trust to have his back and that's all he needs (well, and a helpful Cute KidTM to provide some assistance and sandwiches when he needs them

Yes! This is the heart of why I enjoyed it so much. I like his toys but watching him deal with everything without them, plus anxiety attacks, made a much more compelling story. And I loved the Cute KidTM. They had a connection.

Plus, it was so funny. Very witty dialogue. Which always wins me over.

"Sweetheart, a cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner could be the name of my autobiography."


musesfool May 6 2013, 15:09:22 UTC
It never occurred to me to worry that they might kill Pepper though. Huh.

Really? All that stuff about Tony being broken down to nothing and also his bit about how she was the most important thing for him to protect? That totally sounded like code to me for "fridge the girlfriend." I never worried about the bots, but I always worry about the girlfriend, especially in comic book movies. but especially about Pepper because she is my favorite.

. I like his toys but watching him deal with everything without them, plus anxiety attacks, made a much more compelling story. And I loved the Cute KidTM. They had a connection.

*nod nod*

I liked how he never succumbed to Cute KidTM's charms in expected/cliche ways.

"Sweetheart, a cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner could be the name of my autobiography."



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