you said being with me is like being alone with company

Apr 19, 2013 10:58

I don't understand why I get messages from the MTA every time somebody sneezes funny but when I actually need to know about a delay that made me twenty minutes late for work, I got bupkis. Some days, the commute is basically all I can manage. I am done for today, guys. D-O-N-E DONE ( Read more... )

tv: west wing, poetry, national poetry month 2013, my life so hard, fannishness

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Comments 9

spectralbovine April 19 2013, 15:12:31 UTC
"Celestial Navigation" is fantastic! I'm making my way through the series right now, and that's definitely one of my favorites. So funny. And the finale/premiere are wonderful too. And I just had my heart ripped out by "Noël."


musesfool April 19 2013, 15:23:00 UTC
Oh, god, "Noel!"

"You must have wondered whether you were suicidal too."
"I didn't wonder that."

(I bet you expected me to quote Leo's "man in a hole" speech, but I like to change it up sometimes. *g*)


spectralbovine April 19 2013, 15:27:50 UTC
I wonder if anyone has done some sort of comparison/contrast of Leo's "man in a hole" speech-which...wait a second, did Sorkin originate that, or is it an old story, because I've heard it before-and Wesley's similar "joke" about the two men not being that close.


musesfool April 19 2013, 15:34:50 UTC
I have a feeling it's an old story that Sorkin retooled it for his own use, the way he did with Bartlet's monologue to the right-wing radio host and Karl Malden's story about the religious guy during the flood, but I don't know for sure.


(The comment has been removed)

musesfool April 22 2013, 15:25:53 UTC
Okay, good to know. Thanks.


delle April 19 2013, 18:47:48 UTC
I'd love for you to cross post the pretties from tumblr. I have one (I follow you btw), but I don't go there very often because its a HUGE time-suck for me and I"m juggling way too much w/ my sewing right now.


musesfool April 22 2013, 15:26:42 UTC
Yeah, it is a huge timesuck, which is one reason I don't do it from work (also inability to finetune Tumblr savior well enough to filter out the NSFW stuff).


boofadil April 19 2013, 20:07:21 UTC
Crosspost if only so we can actually talk about the pretties for once instead of just squee in tags, ya knonw?

Also, Elementary needs to come back now. And I need to do a rewatch of the first 3 seasons of WW someday soon.


musesfool April 22 2013, 15:27:32 UTC
Heh. I do miss talking about stuff sometimes, which Tumblr makes so very difficult.

Elementary is FINALLY back this week. hopefully that's it for the mini-hiatuses.


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