you said being with me is like being alone with company

Apr 19, 2013 10:58

I don't understand why I get messages from the MTA every time somebody sneezes funny but when I actually need to know about a delay that made me twenty minutes late for work, I got bupkis. Some days, the commute is basically all I can manage. I am done for today, guys. D-O-N-E DONE.

I do hope everyone in Boston is staying safe and out of the line of fire.


Since there was no new Elementary last night, I ended up finishing off s1 of West Wing, which means I had to watch "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" because how could I not? I always forget how much is packed into those two episodes, and how good they are, and how you get so much more of the history of everyone working together. And of course, I cried a lot, mostly during "Josh was hit." "Hit with what?" because that scene, guys. THAT SCENE. But also when Jed kisses Leo and Charlie gets the news that he was the target and just...everything. SO GOOD.

I remember when it first aired, my mother was like, "Josh and Donna totally had an affair on the campaign trail!" Which was, if you were in West Wing fandom at the time (and I was, mostly as a lurker/reader), totally the premise of a million stories. "I could be good at this. You might find me valuable." Oh Donna. *smishes her*

Of course, that means that the night before, I'd watched "Celestial Navigation," which may in fact be my favorite episode of the whole series.

Josh: I was crystal clear. They said, "Do you think if the President has a plan to fight inflation, it's right that he keep it a secret?" I said, "Of course not!"

Jed: Are you telling me that not only did you invent a secret plan to fight inflation, but now you don't support it?

Toby: We've been navigating by the North Star, which turned out to be the Delta shuttle from LaGuardia. It's a miracle we're not in Nantucket right now.

Not to mention CJ's root canal shenanigans. ♥♥♥♥♥


In other fannish news, I never know how much of what I see/do on tumblr I should talk about here, even though DW is what I consider my primary fannish home these days. Like, the Mark Ruffalo discovers Science Bros thing, or the behind the scenes photos from Cap 2, or whatever. In the past, I would have just posted about that stuff here, but sometimes I feel really behind the curve, because I only look at tumblr at night when I get home from work, but in other ways, I see things pop up on my flist here that I saw days ago on tumblr and I feel like I would have posted but I thought it was old news, but I guess it's not? It's very weird for some reason. I don't even know. What do you think about crossposting stuff from tumblr to here or v.v.?


Today's poem:

A Working List of Things I Will Never Tell You
by Jon Sands

When I said I wasn't with another girl
the January after we fell in love for the 3rd time,
it's because it wasn't actual sex.

In the February that began our radio silence,
it was actual sex. I hate the tight shirts
that go below your waistline.

Not only do they make you look too young,
but then your torso is a giraffe's neck attached to tiny legs.
I screamed at myself in the subway

for writing poems about you still.
I made a scene. I think about you almost
each morning, and roughly every five days, I still

believe you're there.
I still masturbate to you.
When we got really bad,

I would put another coat of mop water on the floor of the bar
to make sure you were asleep when I got to my side of the bed.
You are the only person to whom I've lied, knowing

I was telling the truth. I miss the way your neck
wraps around my face like a cave we are both lost in.
I remember when you said being with me

is like being alone with company.
My friend Sarah wrote a poem about pink ponies.
I'm scared you're my pink pony.

Hers is dead. It is really sad. You're not dead.
You live in Ohio, or Washington, or Wherever.
You are a shadow my body leaves on other girls.

I have a growing queue of things I know
will make you laugh and I don't know where to put them.
I mourn like you're dead. If you had asked me to stay,

I would not have said no.
It would never mean yes.


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tv: west wing, poetry, national poetry month 2013, my life so hard, fannishness

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