make crosses from your lovers

Feb 19, 2013 11:42

I guess the OTW's decision to explicitly allow meta/non-fiction about fandom/analysis on the AO3 is the topic du jour, and my response is basically I think that's fine in theory, because it's still fanwork, even if it's not necessarily transformative (though possibly the wiki would have been a better spot for it?), but given that the search ( Read more... )

on archiving, tv: young justice, tv: suits, yuletide, movies, my life so hard

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Comments 12

danielleleigh February 19 2013, 18:06:35 UTC
I feel like Suits is just a disaster right now. I miss my fun, banter-y show. And while I used to like MIke (season 1), obviously he's really terrible right now. Like, absolutely the worst character which is a problem because he was originally the audience-identification character (hard to believe now ( ... )


musesfool February 20 2013, 16:32:03 UTC
I mostly enjoy the political maneuverings, but I don't like that Harvey and Jessica are on the outs, and I especially don't like it because it's Mike's fault and I don't like Mike, and as you say, it damages everything, because Mike is the worst right now.

I'd like to think they're going to show Mike having a moment of realization and self-awareness, but I fear that the PTB think Harvey's "get your shit together" speech was enough, and it so was not.


brynnmck February 19 2013, 19:03:10 UTC
"Thunder Road" just came on and it might soon be time for another entry about The Greatest Song Ever Written.

Yes please!!!!!


musesfool February 20 2013, 16:32:23 UTC
Could happen any time!


misachan February 19 2013, 20:38:27 UTC
I have every single finger crossed that the blue scarab is playing the other two. It would fit in with all the deep cover shenanigans this season.

(I am still incensed CN is pulling YJ based on the toy sales. Especially since they set the price point for the line so high there's no way anyone but the collector's market would drop that kind of cash.)


musesfool February 20 2013, 16:51:44 UTC
Ooh, that would be an AWESOME reveal, and maybe also allow for an echo of the "My name is KHAJI DA" and "first to have a name, first to have a friend" moments from the comics.

I am still incensed CN is pulling YJ based on the toy sales.

Is that what it is? Someone else mentioned that CN is annoyed at having to pay WB for shows when their own shows are doing really well for much less money. Whatever the reason, it's a really crappy decision because YJ has turned into such a good show!


tenillypo February 19 2013, 21:13:39 UTC
Oh, Doom. You terrible, terrible, but playing-to-my-bullet-proof-kinks movie. The worst part is I picked up a $5 copy of the DVD on a whim at the grocery store one day and ever time someone sees it and gives me a look i have to stop from explaining that I know it's terrible but there are hot siblings with UST. Because the explanation will not actually help me look less crazy with most people.

But yes, he totally wants to bang his hot sister.


musesfool February 20 2013, 17:14:55 UTC
ahahahaha! No one in my circle of acquaintance is really in any position to judge but I also know quite a few people who would accept "The Rock is in it" as reason enough. So maybe that should be your answer next time?


topaz119 February 20 2013, 00:46:24 UTC
It was a *very* nice picture; I enjoyed it lots. :D


musesfool February 20 2013, 17:15:35 UTC
The gif set of Karl Urban? Yeah, he should wear TAC gear and an earpiece ALL THE TIME.


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