make crosses from your lovers

Feb 19, 2013 11:42

I guess the OTW's decision to explicitly allow meta/non-fiction about fandom/analysis on the AO3 is the topic du jour, and my response is basically I think that's fine in theory, because it's still fanwork, even if it's not necessarily transformative (though possibly the wiki would have been a better spot for it?), but given that the search function is already basically a non-starter and that there's no way to specify something is meta as in "a non-fiction essay about fandom or a fannish topic+" v. meta as in "fic that is meta++," I think from an infrastructure standpoint it's a bad idea at this time. *hands*

I don't think there's going to be a flood of meta posted that will make the tags useless, mostly because I think the tags are already kind of useless as more than a blunt instrument, since I can't filter them to exclude the stuff I don't want to see as it is, and I've never been able to make the search function do that either. (note: I don't care about tumblr-style tagging; I find it amusing, and it doesn't interfere with my ability to find what I'm looking for any more than regular tagging does [probably less, in fact], so every time someone rants against it, I'm tempted to tag my stories that way out of sheer contrariness.) So that argument doesn't work for me.

+ If that is indeed the definition they're using.
++ However the author is defining that.

I also don't care that the OTW board made the decision without consulting the membership, because in my experience, that is what nonprofit boards do - they make policy decisions. Or they ratify them if there's staff to formulate the policies. (That's not to say I don't have some issues with how the OTW board operates. But not on this particular issue.)


OH MY GOD MIKE ROSS SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BEFORE I SET YOU ON FIRE WITH MY BRAIN. Can he just fall down an elevator shaft and never be heard from again? I sincerely hope his epic and ever growing level of hypocrisy gets him a swift and painful comeuppance sometime soon, because he was even more egregious than usual in this episode.

I mostly enjoyed this episode for the Louis-Rachel parts and Donna. I don't understand why suddenly Jessica and Harvey are not trusting each other. Did Hardman get under their skin after all? Harvey ranting about the merger never happening felt more like a tantrum than like Harvey - I think it might have been the first time I was like, Harvey, shut up and be an adult and trust Jessica. He usually doesn't need to be told those things.

I don't understand how the season can be ending at this point - there is still too much to wrap up.

Young Justice
Yay, Kaldur is all put back together and M'gann is free and Cheshire and her mom know Artemis isn't dead! Also, we got to see Dick do some (very glossed over) detective work that turned out to have been pointless since Jaime revealed himself as an agent of the Reach on national television before Dick could do anything with it. (As much as I've enjoyed the wider scope of the second season, and the addition of new characters, I kind of miss the old team interacting.) I'm really interested to see how they wrap this up. I don't know how many episodes are left, but I'm hoping for something great. (and I'm sad that then it will be over. For a show that started out as pretty mediocre, it turned into something really enjoyable and good.)


So the other day I reblogged some Karl Urban gifset and tagged it "I don't know what this is from, but I like it" and several people mentioned that it was from the movie Doom, and amberlynne mentioned that I would like it, because in it, his character totally wants to bang his sister.

Never one to let the possibility of subtextual fictional hetcest pass me by, I tracked down the movie and watched it. It was... too long, and kind of a mess, and nobody mentioned that Dwayne Johnson was in it (credited as The Rock), which is often a plus in my mind, but whoo boy, yes indeed, Urban's character John Grimm (aka Reaper) definitely wanted to bang his hot scientist sister Sam (ha!), played by the lovely and luminescent Rosamund Pike.

Sadly, it looks like out of the ~80 or so stories on AO3, only ~20 of them are John/Sam. Hopefully some of those are readable. Fandom, you foil me yet again! I might have an early yuletide contender here, though, so I'm going to tag it so I remember later.


In other news, my subway ride ended this morning when I was so close to finishing my book. Arrgh. SO ANNOYING.

Otoh, "Thunder Road" just came on and it might soon be time for another entry about The Greatest Song Ever Written.


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on archiving, tv: young justice, tv: suits, yuletide, movies, my life so hard

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