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Comments 10

lessthanpie August 17 2011, 14:54:23 UTC
I've recently started on all the Ultimate everything, and it is A Project. Came with a giant reading order list and everything. I'm not up to the Ultimates yet (just got to the X-Men part), but I already desire a crossover where Cap and the Middleman meet up and Fight Crime. Strange Crime. (Possibly with Dr. Strange, even.)

Having registered this need, I will wait for the universe to provide.

*pokes universe*


musesfool August 17 2011, 15:20:38 UTC
Yeah, it does seem to be very cross-overy, but so far not in really big event ways.

I already desire a crossover where Cap and the Middleman meet up and Fight Crime. Strange Crime. (Possibly with Dr. Strange, even.)

Ahahahaha! That much square-jawed American Manliness would definitely need Dubbie in the mix to undercut it. I would read the hell out of that story.


lessthanpie August 17 2011, 15:55:30 UTC
I think they come together in more important ways later, because I read the more recent Ultimate Spider-Man first and it refers to universe-wide events.

I would also enjoy the Dubbie and Sharon Carter interaction that would surely come with this story.


musesfool August 17 2011, 16:28:55 UTC
I would also enjoy the Dubbie and Sharon Carter interaction that would surely come with this story.

Ooh, yes.

And holy crap, I just figured out how Steve and Wendy would bond. Because they are both artists. Huh. (though if I wrote it, it would probably be either 616 or movieverse Cap, not Ultimate. Hmm...)


silveronthetree August 17 2011, 17:02:20 UTC
Woo! Tim got laid.

Yeah, the Ultimates are the Avengers of the Ultimate Universe. Are you enjoying them? Someone at my comic shop recommended Ultimates to me last week but I was a bit dubious because the last thing he recced was Battle for the Cowl "because you like Robins" *facepalms*


musesfool August 17 2011, 19:31:04 UTC
Tim got well and pretty thoroughly laid, yes. Finally!

I am enjoying Nick Fury and Natasha and Hawkeye and Thor. I'm less certain about the rest of them, even Cap. Ultimate Spider-Man continues to be the most adorable, though, and unexpectedly heart-wrenching on occasion. Maybe reading Ultimates through the Spidey crossovers is the way to go, to get a sense of whether you like them on their own or not.


redfiona99 August 18 2011, 18:28:23 UTC
Re 3) When I'm labelling my fics in tends to depend, if it's a totally Iron Man one, it's an Iron man fic, but if it's an Iron Man/Cap cross-over, it's Marvelverse.

I'm not sure how I'd do it for reccing, maybe a sub-heading of 'Marvelverse' and let people work it out.


musesfool August 18 2011, 20:27:33 UTC
Yeah, it's not so much an issue when I'm posting my own stories - like, everything I've written re: the Batfamily has been tagged DCU even if it's the animated 'verse. But in reccing, I like things to be neat and simple. I might just, if it's the movies involved, go with an overall Avengers tag in addition to the individual canons, and still tag them as crossovers, but not post them separately with other crossovers that don't actually take place in the same universe. Hmm...


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