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Comments 30

madripoor_rose February 5 2011, 04:38:11 UTC
YJ: the strange arrow thing is foreshadowing for the new girl, but I don't know how many more eps before she shows up.


musesfool February 5 2011, 04:41:26 UTC
Yeah, I figured, but I'm getting antsy waiting for her to show up.


ryuutchi February 5 2011, 09:43:24 UTC
Next episode, happily.


musesfool February 6 2011, 20:26:19 UTC
Good to hear. Thanks.


iamstealthyone February 5 2011, 05:00:10 UTC
Not even the joy of having real!Sam back and getting a real hug and Dean's happy faces at having his Sammy back are enough to outweigh all my issues with this episode. It used to be that it would have been? But I think they lost any accumulated good will they had with the dumbass soulless!Sam plot.

I so did not enjoy the soulless!Sam plot, but actually had hopes for tonight's ep and the rest of the season, in part because of the positive press for tonight. But that ep was disappointing. I miss the days I was excited about Show. I can't even blame Sera Gamble entirely, because I had huge problems last year when Kripke was in charge. But she hasn't done the show any favors, and I find myself rolling my eyes at the thought of season seven.

Also, could the new big bad be anymore boring? The alpha vamp had about ten times the creepy stage presence.


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:06:40 UTC
I just feel like it was this really unpleasant and roundabout way to introduce the idea that human souls are currency and invaluable, which, hello, human souls! I think we kind of got that idea already.

Also, could the new big bad be anymore boring? The alpha vamp had about ten times the creepy stage presence.

I agree. Also, Crowley.


iamstealthyone February 5 2011, 05:10:20 UTC
I just feel like it was this really unpleasant and roundabout way to introduce the idea that human souls are currency and invaluable, which, hello, human souls! I think we kind of got that idea already.

LOL! Good point.


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:13:19 UTC
I'm just saying! *g*


ulkis February 5 2011, 05:06:53 UTC
Also, for a show that has done pretty well on the gender front, I'm pretty grossed out that saving the universe is apparently a contest between Olivias for Peter's affections, which, given that he still has feelings for both of them, and that Fauxlivia is probably preggers, will hopefully mean they'll figure out a way to save both 'verses,

Not only is it gross, it's so effing cheesy. Really show? The fate of worlds depends on who Peter lurves? Ridiculous. (Will Peter be all, "well I have to sleep with you both. IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE BOTH SIDES LADIES, COME ON.")

I like that Olivia is trying to be an adult about Peter, still, but while I understand that neither of them should be over it yet, I kind of am.Yes, me too, and I like Peter/Olivia together. Please give yourselves six months and then resume relationship angst please ( ... )


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:12:34 UTC
(Will Peter be all, "well I have to sleep with you both. IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE BOTH SIDES LADIES, COME ON.")

If they make a joke out of it, I might be amused by that, but still, ugh. SO DUMB. Who thought that was a good plan?

I like Peter/Olivia together. Please give yourselves six months and then resume relationship angst please.

Exactly. I like the ship, but let's give it some time to lie fallow and renew itself. or something earthy and metaphorical.

I liked the scene with Broyles and Walter where Walter said they were using a psychic to find a bomb and Broyles' was just like, "I am resigned to him saying something stupid." I wouldn't mind more one-on-one scenes between them.

*nod nod*

I would like them to mix it up more - last week we got to see Broyles and Astrid - let's have more of that, or Astrid and Olivia, or Astrid and Peter, or Broyles and Walter, or Nina and Astrid, or something!


vee_fic February 5 2011, 13:36:09 UTC
I suspect an Astrid-and-Peter scene would consist of Astrid rolling up a magazine and bopping him on the head with it.

And then enlisting his arm-strength in the baking of muffins.


ulkis February 5 2011, 17:39:19 UTC
I like to think they often play rock-scissors-paper for who has to pick up stuff from/go to the supermarket with Walter.


leavingslowly February 5 2011, 05:14:32 UTC
I thought about watching Supernatural just to see old Sammy, but my DVR made the choice for me. Because the CW switched the programming at the last minute last weekend it thought it was a repeat and didn't record the episode. Oh well.

But I did enjoy the new episode of Merlin. Bradley James is my new hero. So cute and so very Arthur!


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:24:16 UTC
That's weird. My DVR didn't have that problem.


writingpathways February 5 2011, 05:16:19 UTC
Yeah not too thrilled with the love triangle thing on Fringe -- and love stories never in my opinion an JJ Abrams show forte. Usually, I find it the down fall.

Olivia is awesome and she rocked that dress!

We will agree to disagree on SPN. Loved tonight.


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:24:39 UTC
Yeah, hopefully Sam Weiss is just talking out his ass.


writingpathways February 5 2011, 05:27:02 UTC
Or if you are right -- which I'm still hoping like freakin' hell you aren't -- about the pregnancy; Peter will love his baby and he'll love Olivia and save both worlds. DUH.


musesfool February 5 2011, 05:33:28 UTC
That could work too.


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